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VuetifyBundle adds support for various VuetifyJS components in Symfony

Note: This bundle does NOT add the VuetifyJS library to your project. Vuetify should already be included in your project, and a basic Vue instance should be instantiated. See the quick start guide of Vuetify to get started, or follow the Adding Vuetify instructions.


You can install the bundle using Composer:

$ composer require solidworx/vuetify-bundle

After the process has completed, you need to enable the bundle:

// app/AppKernel.php

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            new SolidWorx\VuetifyBundle\SolidWorxVuetifyBundle(),

If you are using Symfony 4 with Flex, then the bundle should automatically be registered.

The bundle can be configured in your app/config.yml file. See the Configuration Reference for possible configuration values.

Adding Vuetify

If you do not already have Vuetify installed in your application, then you can follow the these instructions:

// Using yarn
$ yarn add vuetify

// Using NPM
npm install vuetify --save

Register Vuetify inside your main application entrypoint:

import Vuetify from 'vuetify';


Adding the VuetifyBundle Assets

This bundle comes with assets that provide some additional functionality.

Including as a script

To include the compiled JS on your page, you can add the following to your templates:

<script src="{{ asset('bundles/solidworxvuetify/js/vuetify-bundle.min.js') }}">

Note: Remember to run the bin/console assets:install command

Using webpack

If you use webpack (or webpack-encore) you can import the module directly

import VuetifyBundle from 'vendor/solidworx/vuetify-bundle/src/Resources/assets/js';


You also need the lodash-es package which needs to be installed manually.

$ yarn add lodash-es
// or
$ npm install lodash-es

Note: The lodash-es package is included by default in vuetify-bundle.min.js, so it's not necesarry to install it when using the compiled script.


Form Theme

VuetifyBundle comes with a Symfony form theme that you can include which will render all the form inputs as Vuetify form components.

        - '@SolidWorxVuetify/Form/fields.html.twig'

Radio Switches

In order to use a switch input for radio buttons, you can use the switch option that is part of the RadioType form type:


        'switch' => true

This will render the radio button with the v-switch component.

Date Picker

When using the 'widget' => 'single_text' option in the DateType form type, the input will be transformed to a date picker component.

Month Picker

VuetifyBundle comes with a month picker form input, which will render a date picker with only a month selection:


use SolidWorx\VuetifyBundle\Form\MonthType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

class MyFormType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
                'widget' => 'single_text'

Form Collection

The JS comes with a form-collection component that will allow you to add multiple items when using Symfony's Form Collection


You can use the v_alert twig function to display alert messages. The function takes three arguments, message, type and options.

This function can be used with Symfony's flash messages:

{% for label, messages in app.flashes %}
    {% for message in messages %}
        {{ v_alert(message, label) }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Or standalone:

    {{ v_alert('Display some important information', 'info', {'outline': true}) }}

Available Alert Types:

  • success
  • info
  • error
  • warning

Available Options

Option Type Description
color string Applies specified color to the control
dismissible bool Specifies that the Alert can be closed. The v-model option must be set when this is true in order for the alert to be disissed
icon string Designates a specific icon
mode string Sets the transition mode
origin string Sets the transition origin
outline bool Alert will have an outline
transition string Sets the component transition. Can be one of the built in transitions or your own
v-model string Applies a Vue model to the alert. When setting dismissible to true, then this value is required

You can also set default configuration options for the alerts. Configuration can be either global, or you can set options per alert type. See the Configuration Reference for more information


Below is the full configuration reference:


        # Sets global default options for each alert. Options per alert type can be overwritten in the `types` config.

            # Specifies that the Alert can be closed. The `v-model` option must be set when this is `true` in order for the alert to be dismissed
            dismissible:          false

            # Alert will have an outline
            outline:              false

            # Applies specified color to the control
            color:                null

            # Sets the transition mode
            mode:                 null

            # Sets the component transition. Can be one of the built in transitions or your own
            transition:           null

            # Sets the transition origin
            origin:               null

            # Designates a specific icon
            icon:                 null

        # Sets the default config per alert type. This will overwrite any global config for a specific alert type
                dismissible:          false
                outline:              false
                color:                null
                mode:                 null
                transition:           null
                origin:               null
                icon:                 null
                dismissible:          false
                outline:              false
                color:                null
                mode:                 null
                transition:           null
                origin:               null
                icon:                 null
                dismissible:          false
                outline:              false
                color:                null
                mode:                 null
                transition:           null
                origin:               null
                icon:                 null
                dismissible:          false
                outline:              false
                color:                null
                mode:                 null
                transition:           null
                origin:               null
                icon:                 null