Check the pre-requisites for installation and then install sdm using npm:
npm i @space48/sdm
sdm is distributed as a private npm package in the @space48 scope. To install sdm and other private Space 48 npm packages, you must first configure the @space48 scope in npm.
Create a github access token with
read packages
privileges -
Configure npm so that you can install sdm and other private Space 48 packages using your email and token created in Step 1 as yur username & password
npm login --registry= --scope=@space48
sdm uses node 14. Use nvm to enable node 14:
nvm use 14
SDM currently has four connectors, these are: Magento 1, Magento 2, Shopify and Big Commerce. To add a new connection to shop on any of these platforms to run locally run
npx sdm config
This will start the sdm-config interaction mode, which supports tab-completion. From here you can run help
to get a full list of commands.
List currently saved scopes
Setup a conection to a new store E.g A new Big Commerce store
connectors[bigCommerce].scopes.add {"storeAlias":"demo-store","storeHash":"123abc456def","credentials":{"clientId":"longAlphaNumericString123","accessToken":"anotherLongAlphaNumericString456"}}
Running the previous command without arguments will return a list of what is missing
Get the credentials of a previously saved connection
SDM can be used in one of multiple ways, although they all follow the same format of entity.sub-entity.crud-command
Note: supports tab-completion
Run npx sdm
to display a list of currently saved scopes. To setup a new scope follow the local setup
Enter a scope such as big-commerce[demo-store]
From here all SDM endpoints in relation to the connector can be used with their response values being displayed on the terminal such as:
For commands that require an ID these are passed in using square brackets
Command inputs are done using a single object
brands.create {name: "Demo Brand", page_title: "Test Title"}
May also use the help
to get a full list commands
Once a local connection to a store has been created
Connect to a store create an instance of SDM at the top of the makefile
sdm = npx sdm
big-commerce= $(sdm) big-commerce[demo-store]
SDM can then be used as such:
To input data, whether as part of the path (such as an id), or as the body of the request these need to be "piped" into the SDM instance
echo "{id: 1, body: "Updated blog text", "url":"/your-first-blog-post/"}" \
| jq -c '{ path: ["blog", ["posts", .id]], endpoint: "update", input: del(.id) }' \
| $(big-commerce)
In a similar fashion input params can be passed into the input property
echo "[1,2,3,4,5]" \
| jq -c '.[] | {path: ["customers", "addresses"], endpoint: "delete", input: {"id:in": .}}' \
| $(big-commerce)
The following example shows how a SDM connection can be created and used directly in a TS script
import {ConnectorScope, shopify} from "@space48/sdm";
import {writeJsonLinesTo, pipe} from "@space48/json-pipe";
type ShopApiCredentials = {
apiKey: string
password: string
async function getConnectorScope(credentials: ShopApiCredentials) {
return shopify({
shopName: "shopify-demo-story",
apiKey: credentials.apiKey,
password: credentials.password
export async function listProducts() {
const shop: ConnectorScope = await getConnectorScope(apiCredentials);
shopify.product.list({fields: 'id,tags,variants', limit: 250}),
command => shop.execute(command),