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I code.
I build.
I train-i-yo.
I am into learning boxing these days. It was a mistake!
Have been playing 🎸 for over 10 years. So, if you got a gig, ping me yeah🤘
I am also guilty of spending too much time PETTING DOGS.
🤔 So why "Spartan-119"? I used to play Halo a lot, and innit the protagonist is John-117 aka Spartan 117, since he was part of the Spartan program. I just tweaked a bit and changed 117 --> 119, based on my favourite Psalm (Tehillim 119).
💬 Ask me about Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs), Classical and Deep Machine Learning, data structures & algo, and boxing-related-stuff.
📫 How to reach me on LinkedIn.
⚡ My Youtube channel.