awesome (awesome v4.3)
batcat (bat 0.19.0)
fish (fish, version 3.3.1)
↳ prompt 1 : tide (tide, version 5.5.1)
↳ prompt 2 : starship (starship 1.3.0)
kitty (kitty 0.21.2)
nvim (NVIM v0.6.1)
polybar (polybar 3.5.7)
- bunnyfetch
- eugene-caffeine
- nautilus-open-any-terminal
- pokemon-colorscripts
- pywal
- ripgrep
- rofi-bluetooth
- slock-blur
- Wal-theme-vscode-extension
- git
- sudo access
mkdir $HOME/Github
cd $HOME/Github
git clone https://github.com/spleenftw/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
chmod +x install.sh
Then simply log-out and choose awesomewm as windows manager when you're logging in.
- git
- sudo access
/!\ Don't forget to change the user name with yours in the playbook.yaml /!\
mkdir $HOME/Github
git clone https://github.com/spleenftw/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
chmod+x init.sh
You can find the screenshots used before in the /example folder.
You can find all of the wallpapers i'm using in the wallpapers repository. I've put all the wallpapers i'm using into the wallpapers/originalres folder and resized them to 1920x1080 & 2160x1440.
- Adding the kitty install to the install.sh & playbook.yml files.
- Adding the font&icon install to the playbook.yml file.
- Adding the fish plugins install to the install.sh & playbook.yml files.
- Adding the starship prompt install to the install.sh & playbook.yml files.
- Adding the tide installation to the install.sh & playbook.ym files.