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Debian packaging
deb http://spritelink.github.io/NIPAP/repos/apt stable main extra
deb http://spritelink.github.io/NIPAP/repos/apt testing main extra
stable and testing are the same most of the time.. testing will get new version of everything slightly before stable so that we can try out the actual debian packaging, work out the worst bugs etc. It is not really the equivalent of debians normal stable/testing/unstable nomenclature.
Do note that you might want both the stable and testing repo as only the stable repo carry pre-built packages for some of our dependencies like Flask-XML-RPC and Flask-Compress, so even when testing it is convenient to keep the stable for pulling in dependencies.
The NIPAP project is split into a few different debian packages;
- nipap-cli - Neat IP Address Planner
- nipap-common - Neat IP Address Planner
- nipap-www - web frontend for NIPAP
- nipapd - Neat IP Address Planner XML-RPC daemon
- python-pynipap - Python module for accessing NIPAP
nipapd contains the XML-RPC backend daemon which is a required component in the NIPAP suite. It's the glue between the database and the rest of the world.
nipap-common is a library with common stuff needed by all the other components, so regardless which one you choose, you will get this one.
nipap-cli is, not very surprisingly, a CLI client for NIPAP.
nipap-www is the web GUI.
python-pynipap is a client-side library for Python applications.
nipap-whoisd is a whois daemon that serves clients via a whois interface and queries the NIPAP backend.