BeatsMusic C# API is a .net framwork that accesses the Beats Music Developer API (@ ). It provides a consistent C# API and data types for the Beats Music REST API. This API is a portable C# class library which is designed to work in multiple .Net environments, including:
- .Net framework 4.5 (desktop & web)
- Silverlight 5 (web plguin)
- Windows 8 (tablet)
- Windows Phone Silverlight 8 (mobile)
- Xamarin.Android
- Xamarin.iOS
To install BeatsMusicCSharpAPI, run the following command in Visual Studio's Package Manager Console.
PM> Install-Package BeatsMusicCSharpAPI
In order to use this API you'll need to register and get credentials from the Beats Music Developer website (@ What you need to obtain is your application's ClientId and optionally a ClientSecret.
You will then use the ClientId and optionally the ClientSecret to initialize the BeatsMusicClient object which will serve as gateway to all the API calls. Depending on the security level you wish to give your application you can choose to embed your apps' ClientSecret and gain further access to the Beats Music developer APIs.
That's it! You're ready to use API calls which do not require user- specific permissions.
Sample: Fetching an album by ID
If you need to perform actions which would require user specific permissions you'll need to oauth your user to Beats Music. first, have your app navigate to Beats Music's OAuth webpage, with the OAuth login URL you obtain from the BeatsMusicClient.
The URI address you recieve from the Beats Music client depends on which c'tor was used to intialize your client (with or without ClientSecret).
After the user inputs their credentials, the WebBrowser will be the redirected to your application's RedirectUri (again, the one inserted when creating BeatsMusicClient). The URI's query string parameters contain the relevant authorization information. Your application will need to provide that authorization information when making API calls. You will get the query string values and pass those to the BeatsMusicClient instance. Those values are again different if ClientSecret was provided.
After OAuthing your user you can invoke additional APIs (depends on the c'tor you've used for the BeatsMusicClient).
// Initialize a BeatsMusicClient object which will serve as the endpoint for accessing Beats Music API.
BeatsMusicClient client = new BeatsMusicClient(ClientId, RedirectUrl, ClientSecret);
//You can immediately call methods which do not require user permissions.
MultipleRootObject<SearchData> result2 = await client.Search.SearchByArtist("Connie");
// If you need to use methods that require user permissions-
// Get the address the web browser needs to navigate to for OAuth 2.0 protocol authentication.
var addressString = client.UriAddressToNavigateForPermissions();
// Navigate to the BeatsMusic OAuth page. This code is browser/ platform- specific.
BeatsMusicWebBrowser.Source = new Uri(addressString);
// After the user logs in Beats Music using AOuth the redirected URL contains the authorization code you need to
// provide the Beats Music API in order to make calls against the API.
client.Code = queryStringParams.GetValues("code").FirstOrDefault();
// That's it, now you can use the API endpoints to make calls against the server.
SingleRootObject<AudioData> result = await client.Audio.GetAudioStreamingInfo("tr61032803", Bitrate.Highest, true);
There are two authentication levels you can use in your application:
- Client Side Application (@ This authentication requires your application to provide only the ClientId when initializing the client. It provides a short- term more limited access that is not renewable.
- Web Server Application (@ This authentication requires your application to provide ClientId and SecretId when initializing the client. It provides a long- term full access and renews automatically after timing out as long as the application is running.
There are two main ways to play music using the C# API, you can use any player that supports RMTP, or alternatively, you can use Beats JavaScript web player to play with (@
You can get the basic javascript code you need to use in order to play a resource (like a track or a playlist), with all the parameters you need already set by calling the Client's
GetBeatsMusicPlayerCode("playable resource") method, which returns a string containing the basic javascript code needed.
string beatsPlayer = await client.GetBeatsMusicPlayerCode("tr61032803");
Which returns a string with the basic javascript player with all the parameters filled in and ready to play.
<title>My Beats Music Player</title>
<script src=""></script>
var bam = new BeatsAudioManager("myBeatsPlayer");
bam.on("ready", handleReady);
bam.on("error", handleError);
function handleReady(value) {
bam.clientId = "m7fcvzrgbzsxtafuhmg9ndapq";
bam.authentication = {
access_token: "zghkjh53mbvap5answqfmau2",
user_id: "154703926576640"
bam.identifier = "tr61032803";
function handleError(value) {
console.log("Error: " + value);
switch (value) {
case "auth":
// Beats Music API auth error (401)
case "connectionfailure":
// audio stream connection failure
case "apisecurity":
// Beats Music API crossdomain error
case "streamsecurity":
// audio stream crossdomain error
case "streamio":
// audio stream io error
case "apiio":
// Beats Music API io error getting track data
case "flashversion":
// flash version too low or not installed
Another option is to obtain all the needed parameters yourself and use them however you'd prefer, you will need:
You can get the basic information needed to give to other players by using the API call GetAudioStreamingInfo in Audio.
SingleRootObject<AudioData> trackResult =
await client.Audio.GetAudioStreamingInfo("tr61032803", Bitrate.Highest, true);
The result has parameters such as Data.Resource and Data.Location that you can provide alongside with the playable resource id to other players in order to play audio.
For example if you want to use the SoundManager 2 (@, you will need to supply it those 3 parameters, so your javascript can look similar to this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="SoundManager/script/soundmanager2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
soundManager.flashVersion = 9;
soundManager.url = 'SoundManager/swf';
soundManager.debugFlash = true;
soundManager.preferFlash = true;
soundManager.onready(function () {
var sound =
id: getParameterByName('playable resource id'),
url: getParameterByName('Data.Resource'),
serverURL: getParameterByName('Data.Location')