Your Knowledge Portfolio
Invest regularly in your knowledge portfolio, and make learning a Habit. Every month, group members will conduct workshops, have mini hack projects, and present short and sweet presentations on a coding technique, third-party library, new language, design methodology, etc. This will be mixed with the articles, books, or tools the group ran across. Very informal
Count Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola (1463-1494), Count Pico was an Italian humanist and philosopher during the Renaissance whose motto, Deomni re scibili Of all things that one can know, asserted that he knew all there was to be known. De omni re scibili should be the motto of all Pragmatic Programmers.
This is a copy of part of the University of Michigan Medical School Information Services's internal wiki and was written (and perhaps copy pasted) by many authors, sometimes without attribution. I (Steve) am in the process of sourcing and attributing as time permits. If you find something you wrote that's not credited, please let me know and I will add proper attribution or remove it as you wish.
- Search my
- AreWeSureWeNeedIt
- StevenACoffman/
- Go Time
- Physical exercises
- Continuous Delivery Hackathon
- estimate quote
- Programmer Quotes
- Types in GraphQL vs Go
- Driver, Approver, Contributor, Informed (DACI)
- Why Go
- careers
- go errors
- commit emoji
- worse is better: new jersey vs mit
- Pull Request Types
- Go get private
- Git Fork Workflow
- No Estimates
- Self-Driving Infrastructure
- Auto Kube
- Node Problem Detector
- Remove JAMF
- Programming Language Popularity Contest
- cloudformation vs terraform
- context in Go
- curl
- ci-cdd
- deployment strategies
- curse
- fluent filebeat comparison
- yaml
- kubernetes progress
- shift left pipeline
- feedback form
- kubernetes rollback
- kubernetes best practices
- Docker Best Practices
- Netflix Bless
- Async JavaScript
- State Machine
- Kubernetes Job
- Troubleshooting Kubernetes
- Microservice Proxy Gateway solutions
- GitHub oriented development
- Logs versus Metrics
- Why Run in the Clouds
- Eric Meyer Four Fundamental Effects
- Why Client Side Rendering Won
- Github Jira Pull Request
- Safecurl
- Event Sourcing
- CodeMash Best Presentations
- CodeReview policy
- [Splunk](Splunk - Actionable Visibility, Insight and Intelligence from Machine Data) is a powerful platform for analyzing machine data, data that machines emit in great volumes but which is seldom used effectively
- [Lombok](How to use Lombok) is a compile-time library that helps improve readability and maintainability of Java classes by adding getters, setters, toString and more.
- [Spring Data REST] The goal of the project is to provide a solid foundation on which to expose CRUD operations to your JPA Repository-managed entities using plain HTTP REST semantics.
- [Logging] -- Why should we do logging, how does it work, and how can we do it better?
- Spring MockMVC
- Thymeleaf
- [Documenting REST APIs with Swagger]
- Graph Databases / Neo4j
- Package by Layer vs. by Feature