Sunder allows you to quickly build websites and APIs in a modern async structure on Cloudflare Workers. Think of Sunder as Express or Koa for serverless.
Sunder is
- Fast
- Small
- Easy to test
- Typesafe
The easiest way to get started with Sunder on Cloudflare Workers is to use the template project.
npm i --save sunder
# or
yarn add sunder
Read the documentation here to get started.
import {Sunder, Router, Context} from "sunder";
const app = new Sunder();
const router = new Router();
// Example route with a named parameter
router.get("/hello/:username", ({response, params}) => {
response.body = `Hello ${params.username}`;
export default {
fetch(request, ctx, env) {
return app.fetch(request, ctx, env);
The Sunder framework was inspired by Elixir's plug, Node's Koa framework, tiny-request-router and cfworker's web package.
Sunder is only a few hundred lines of code. It has little magic and doesn't impose too much structure.