Releases: TIBCOSoftware/bw6-plugin-maven
2.9.0 Release
Note: From Maven Plugin 2.9.0 onwards, we are providing Out of box support for the Maven Plugin.
For the Installation of Maven Plugin 2.9.0, Please refer to BW6.8.0/BWCE 2.7.0 Installation Guide.
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to the following link
Enhancement/Issues fixed in this release
Please refer to BW6.8.0/BWCE 2.7.0 Release Notes.
2.8.1 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. Silent installation is also provided if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to the following link
Issue fixed in this release
#597 NullPointer Exception while generating code coverage report for Subprocess having dependency on ESM
#550 How to mention swagger port in external property file?
Enhancement fixed in this release
#374 Support to Generate POM for application with TIBCO Cloud as deployment option
#563 bwTest: support for passing vm arguments, similar to surefire:test argLine
#585 deploy the app without auto start option
#579 Maven BW Design Utility Goal changes for Generate Manifest JSON command
2.8.0 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. Silent installation is also provided if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to the following link
Issue fixed in this release
- #499 Upgrade fabric8-maven-plugin version to 4.4.1
- #485 Start activity mocking input via xml file support
- #504 Additional command and arguments support for bwdesign utility goal to help export profiles properties file.
- #502 Improved error reporting for manifest errors, is optional now.
- #520 Fixed error in Jenkins build. Error reading entity from input stream
- #523 Support for EAR upload folder path on TEA
- #522 Support external URL for deploymentConfigFile.
- #525 Skip backup for external profile.
- #528 Start app on all appnodes while using external profile.
2.7.1 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. Silent installation is also provided if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to the following link
Issue fixed in this release
- #253 Building Workspace error popup thrown when we try to import Shared Module using POM.xml file
- #458 Provide property based way to create domain/appspace/appnode in case it does not exist
- #393 Version Property not Set
- #424 Problem when we update major version of application
- #421 Version property is always overwritten
- #465 NPE occurs if Suite Name provided does not exist in the project
- #472 Issue executing test with goldenFile Test
- #262 Add swagger HTTP port as property for Maven
- #473 Unit Test Framework Implementation with SharedModules
- #478 Shared module .jar files should not embed their dependencies
- #474 com.tibco.plugins:bw6-maven-plugin:bwdesignUtility task is not working on Linux
- #399 Externalizing profile, 'other' option given in POM wizard, does not work if property file (profile) is referenced using relative path
- #466 Failed to execute goal com.tibco.plugins:bw6-maven-plugin:2.6.0:bwdeployer, support EAR file path.
- #481 Improvement on starting BW Engine
2.7.0 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. Silent installation is also provided if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to the following link
Issue fixed in this release
- #417 Code coverage report should show covered activity name
- #453 Reporting Plugin version is not getting updated in Regenerate POM scenario.
Enhancement fixed in this release
- #428 Provide support to select test cases while running the "test" goal
- #446 To Show Test Suite Wise Result in Console and BW Test Execution report
- #437 Execute bwdesign utility using maven goal to Validate BW Project and Generate Process Diagram
- #419 In case of test failure, show the provided input and expected output in the logs and reports
2.6.0 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. Silent installation is also provided if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to the following link
Issue fixed in this release
- #414 Problem during the deployment
Enhancement fixed in this release
- #379 [Enchancement Request] - Mock Exceptions for activities
2.5.0 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. Silent installation is also provided if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to the following link
Issue fixed in this release
- Issue related to security vulnerability
Enhancement fixed in this release
2.4.0 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. Silent installation is also provided if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to the following link
Issue fixed in this release
- #352 BW6 6.5.1 + Maven plugin 2.2 : The Java class is not found in the classpath
Enhancement fixed in this release
- #380 Support for Assertion mode as "Activity"
2.3.1 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. Silent installation is also provided if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to the following link
Issue fixed in this release
2.3.0 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. Silent installation is also provided if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to the following link