Releases: TIBCOSoftware/bw6-plugin-maven
2.2.0 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. A silent installation is also provided if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to following link
Enhancement fixed in this release
- #278 To provide mocking support for BW activities
Issue fixed in this release
2.1.1 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. A silent installation is also provided as a new feature if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to following link
Issues fixed in this release
- #232 POM Generated shows error as 'Project Build Error: Non Readable Pom' in App Module..
- #217 Deployment Option for App Space edition projects appear as 'NONE' while generating pom.xml using maven plugin
- #234 External Shared Module not imported in Studio after searching the available ESM using Group ID in Dependency section of the POM.xml file 4 of 5 Return to search
- #218 Title for" generating pom for application" wizard is missing for maven plugin
- #176 Custom Xpath jar is causing while building EAR using mvn plugin
2.1.0 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. A silent installation is also provided as a new feature if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to following link
-#38 Deploy only goal for BW6 applications
-#188 Ear deployment with specific config file without build
-#34 Using profiles in Maven Deployment command
-#198 Regenerating the POM does not update the group Id, Docker Page, Pcf Page, and Kubernete Page fields.
-#181 Adding docker,Kubernetes and PCF properties to Maven default preference page and POM generation
wizard using externally located (in tibcohome)properties file.
-#178 Enhancement to add Auto Pull for Docker Base Image (#105)
Issues fixed in this release
- #201 not get the current profil in my backupLocation.
2.0.2 Release
Please refer to README for installation details. A silent installation is also provided as a new feature if the installation script is passed TIBCO_HOME as the argument.
For example
sh /opt/tibco
This will install the plugin in /opt/tibco
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to following link
Issues fixed in this release
- #186 pom.xml file is empty in project module.
- #2 BW6 Maven plugin Generate POM dialog text is not visible bug
- #58 Cannot find environment property file ''
- #134 Error creating pom.xml file in OS Windows, the character "" is wrong
- #200 PCF - URL for app contains wrong domain
2.0.1 Release
Please refer to Readme for installation details.
Supported BW Versions
The current Plugin is compatible with BW 6.5.0 and BWCE 2.4.0
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to following link
Release Notes
#179 POM file for Shared Module failed to create from the POM Generation Wizard.
#183 Process Coverage displayed incorrect result when Process had Invoke Activity.
2.0.0 Release
Please refer to Readme for installation details.
Supported BW Versions
The current Plugin is compatible with BW 6.5.0 and BWCE 2.4.0
For Maven Plugin Compatibility guide please refer to following link
Release Notes
New Features
#111 Maven Plugin is now available to be downloaded from Maven Central.
#40 Maven Plugin now supports Unit-Testing and Process Coverage in BW and BWCE
#158 Maven Plugin is now compatible with the One Studio feature.
#39 #112 Maven Plugin now supports upgraded versions of Fabric8 library for OpenShift, Kubernetes and Docker
#157 #100 Default value for Project "Group Id" can now be set from Studio Preference page.
#145 Default value for Docker Host URL can now be set from Studio Preference page.
#14 Maven Dependencies with scope as "Provided" are excluded from packaging in the EAR file
#87 Maven Plugin failed to work with Maven version 3.5.x
#151 In certain cases Shared Modules were not getting included in the EAR
1.3.1 Release
1.3.1 Release for Studio and Runtime components
1.3.0 Release
1.3.0 Release for Studio and Runtime components
1.2.2 Release
v1.2.2 Release 1.2.2
1.2.1 Release
v1.2.1 Release 1.2.1