A better visualization of different algorithms made with React.
Visit : https://tamimehsan.github.io/AlgorithmVisualizer/
This is made to be the second version of my previous pathfinding project made with C++ igraphics. But then added some more visualizations too.
So far there are 6 segments
- Pathfinder
- Prime Numbers
- Sorting Algorithms
- N Queen
- Convex Hull
- Binary Search Game
- Recursion Tree
- Turing Machine
I have implemented a total of 24 algorithms
so far. And will try to add more later.
Graph Search
- Dijkstra
- A star
- Recursive Maze Creation
- Bubble sort
- Selection sort
- Insertion sort
- Heap sort
- Merge sort
- Quick sort
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Archimedes Spiral
N Queen Backtracking
Graham Scan for Convex Hull
Binary Search
- Fibonacci Number
- Binomial Coefficient
- Derangement
- Fast Exponentiation
- Stirling Number of Second Kind
Turing Machine
- Bitwise NOT
- Increment one
- 2's Compliment
I am not sure if anyone would like to contribute to this project or not. But any kind of contributions are welcomes. Also if you like this please star this repo. It keeps me motivated.
- Commit 16: Added Flip Move animation to inplace sorting components
- Commit 20: Added Tree Structure
I took inspirations from the following sources for some of the segments.
: The Projects That Got Me Into GoogleArchimedes Spiral for Primes
: Why do prime numbers make these spirals?Recursion tree visualizer
: Recursion Tree VisualizerTuring Machine
: Tursi
Make sure you have node installed in your system. Then run
npm i
npm run start
This will start the app in http://localhost:3000/AlgorithmVisualizer#/
To deploy recent changes to page
npm run build
npm run deploy