Project was created for skill based assessment that was held at per-scholas. This was created mostly from scratch HTML and using Bootstrap.
Website simulates a company which decided to make a wiki page to allow their customers easy research on building pc's.
The website has a few jokes, but it was mostly satire.
On the site you can learn about all the different things you need to know to build a pc, from basic information, to parts and part average prices.
Website also reccomends a few shopping sites that the client can choose to buy parts from. (Note: Company has no affiliation with sites listed)
Project requirements were as stated below:
- Have at least 3 pages, keep the grid system consistent as much as possible
- Use at least 10 different HTML tags
- Use HTML tables
- Implement at least two uses for forms
- Dropped Down Menu
- Use web fonts
- Use different types of content in the form of text, images, videos, and GIFs
- Use regex validation
- Inline, internal, and external styling
- Use five different CSS selectors
- Don’t use too many fonts
- Use colors that complement each other
- Use Flexbox (Optional)
- Use SASS/SCSS (Optional)
- Use animations (Optional)
- External scripts
- Use variables, if statements, loops, at least one form of collections, functions/call back, and events
- Use AJAX (Optional)
- Use JSON or XML (Optional)
- Use JQuery (Optional)