👋🏾 Hi, I’m @TobiOlofintuyi
I'm a product management leader passionate about
leveraging technology and insights to build innovative
solutions that drive business impact and affect positive
cultural change.
Co-Founder for Inyeon AI
An early stage mental health start-up leveraging AI and
generative technology to help people develop mental resilience
and discover their best selves
CEO of AJAO (an -ology company dedicated to the human experience)
Revolutionizing human experience through interdisciplinary
intelligence, leveraging AI, data analytics, and partnerships
to drive positive impact globally.
👀 I’m interested in ...
Responsible Technology, its use cases, and adoption
Developing ideas from concept to launch
Understanding pain points and delivering creative solutions
Leading and motivating cross-functional teams and people
Diving deep into data to inform strategic decisions
Exploring intersections of technology, business, and human behavior
🌱 I’m currently learning ...
Neural mapping as a tool for mental ideation and organization
Best practices for ongoing self develoment
Advances in applied AI and responsible AI development
Lean experimentation approaches for early-stage products
Cutting-edge techniques for gathering and analyzing data an cultural trends
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ...
Building products that leverage natural language processing and generation
Projects related to enhancing the human condition in relationship to cultural evolution
New innovations that help teams be more productive and engaged
Initiatives that promote diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB)
Developing third spaces where people can interact, ideate, debate and develop ideas
📫 How to reach me ...
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olofintuyitobi/
Email: [email protected]