Simple surface for video editing utilizing a Teensy 2.0 It's main purpose is to be utilized with the program Adobe Premiere Pro. However, thanks to the Teensy's HID interface, can also be utilized as a multipurpose Macro pad.
This surface has 12 buttons, a main central knob, and 3 secondary knobs. The four knobs also have buttons.
This project is heavily based by Zack-Freedman's Big-Wheel project.
The repository is divided in four subfolders, each containing a different part of the project. Further documentation can be found inside these folders.
Assembly - This folder contains the files that make up the physical device. They are available in .SLDPRT and .STL formats.
Firmware - This folder contains the Firmware utilized by the device. It is built in and uses the Teensyduino library.
Schematics - This folder contains the wiring diagrams, as well as the elements to manufacture a PCB for it.
Shortcut-Profiles - This folder contains .kys files for Adobe Premiere.
The improvements are separated by category inside the documentation for each folder.
- Jose Tow [@Tow96]
Original idea from: Zack Freedman (github, youtube)
This project is licensed under MIT license as I believe in open-source, specially when basing your project from another.