As an early-career Data Scientist, I have been looking for an ideal platform to share my professional experience and highlight projects I have undertaken outside of my organization's enterprise environment. After much thought, I have decided on creating a professional Data Science portfolio which is coded in R, rendered in Quarto, updated and made reproducible with GitHub, and hosted on Netlify.
Throughout this week-long project, I have had to draw upon and learn the following skills:
- Quarto
- CSS (Cascade Styling Sheets)
- SCSS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)
- Markdown
- Website Deployment (with Netlify)
This website was created utilizing various guides and source code GitHub repositories, however I have made a consistent effort to create a personal style and consistently credit code that has been adapted from previously mentioned sources. Please feel free to use this repository in a similar fashion, respecting the CC BY-NC-SA license.
This website was created by usng the following resources: -Quarto - Creating a Website -Jadey Ryan's: A beginner’s guide to building a simple website with Quarto & Netlify -Jadey Ryan's website -Sam Csik's: Customizing Quarto Websites -- Make your website stand out using SCSS & CSS -Silvia Canelon's website -Ella Kaye's website