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Acserver Manager is designed to be the only solution you will need to manage a dedicated server for Assetto Corsa.

It aims to provide elegant interfaces and automation for:

  • Uploading third-party cars and tracksdemo
  • Uploading custom skins
  • Editing driver_list.ini file
  • Managing 3rd-party apps such as stracker
  • Starting and Stopping the server
  • Running multiple race servers

As well as to add new features entirely:

  • Rotate server setup on race end
  • Automated driverlists
  • Series presets
  • Car list presets
  • Race-specific content bundles
  • ... and more!

The app is designed to run on incredibly affordable ($5/mo) Digital Ocean boxes, and launched from a pre-built image. This will also grant users the ability to launch a dedicated server worldwide, minimizing ping. It is possible to install and run this app locally on your home computer.


This app is very much in a development state at the moment, but please feel free to try it out, make some pull requests and contribute to the code!

Happy hacking!


Though Acserver Manager will be bundled inside of a VM image for easy installation, in the meantime, you'll need to run it in a standolone environment.

As this is being developed for deployment to a 32-bit Ubuntu 15 installation, I recommend you do the same, either with Digital Ocean, or a local environment. However, if you have your own Linux installation and are comfortable with some googling when things go wrong, the installation procedure should be pretty similar.



$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib


$ sudo apt-get install git


You can find links to the latest builds here:

$ wget
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local --strip-components 1 -xzf node-v5.5.0-linux-x86.tar.gz
$ rm node-v5.5.0-linux-x86.tar.gz

p7zip-full + p7zip-rar

Enable multiverse by uncommenting lines in /etc/apt/sources.list, more info here

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full p7zip-rar -y


$ sudo npm install -g gulp


Login to the postgres user and enter the psql cli

$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres

Update the postgres user password and create the databases

postgres=# \password postgres
postgres=# create database acserver_manager;
postgres=# create database stracker;

Clone this repo and cd into it

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd acserver_manager

Install local dependencies. Note, this will also run steamcmd for the first time and will prompt you for your steam credentials and a steam guard key

$ npm install

Finally, copy config/default.json to config/development.json and update your database password with what you set earlier. Then, populate the database with data about the installed content

$ npm run db:seed


From the project directory

$ npm run server