Here, we collect awesome programming learning games arranged into programming languages or tool. Are we missing something? Contribute!
🔓 means open source, therefore you have access to the source code and can study it, modified it and share it.
🆓 means it's free to use, but it's not open source.
⏳ means you can play a demo for limited ammount of time or features.
💰 means the only way to use it is through paying for it.
- 🔓 SQL Murder Mystery - Learn SQL while solving a murder. Lots of tables to dive in and get lost.
- 🔓 Oh my Git - Solitary card game where you choose what action to do from a selection to manage a mission.
- 🔓 Learn Git Branching - Game where you are given some objectives and need to use the git commands to fulfill them
- 🔓 Visualising Git - A playground where you can use different git commands to see what happens. There are various forks, @cfinnberg's includes newer commands like
- 🔓 GPU Puzzles - Learn GPU programming (CUDA) in an interactive way by solving puzzles inside a Jupyter notebook.
- 🔓 Tensor Puzzles - Learn the internals of PyTorch and NumPy by solving puzzles (reimplement standard functions without depending on theses array libraries).