It stands for CloudCloudCloud, because you know you can't get enough of the cloud.
For those of us who like to ensure the provisioning process is cheap, repeatable, and scalable. C3 is a collection of tools and libaries for AWS that is very easy and very repeatable.
Make sure you are using the secret sauce of zambi before using c3. see,
pip install c3
We like to ensure the provisioning process is very repeatable. So we suppliment the CLI tools we have home grown with ini config files that we create and store in git for revision control management. See the examples directory for a set of config examples on our github page,
For a list of commands and options -h
The script is also used for provisioning, it requires the cg-cloud-init RPM.
A exampl script can be found in
If the script starts with sha-bang '#!' it will then be run on frist boot.
The script can be set via the AWS_BASE_DIR system variable