An open-source, lightweight and privacy-focused alternative client for a popular authentic social network.
Windows |
macOS |
Linux |
Android ( |
iOS ( |
Note that accounts with parental control are not supported, if you have one, please open an issue so we can work on it.
- Automatically convert your phone number to international format
- Send OTP
- Verify OTP
- Logout
- Account creation
- Account deletion (with 15 days cooldown)
- Revert account deletion on login (within 15 days)
- Keep user logged in (through a refresh token)
- Informations
- Realmojis
- Memories
- Pinned
- Informations
- Pinned
- Post a new moment
- Flip camera
- Take a photo from A side (primary image), wait for a few seconds, then take a photo from B side (secondary image)
- Caption
- Location
- Retry count
- Upload above the daily limit
- See your posts in small view
- See comments on your posts (you can only see count)
- See reactions on your posts (you can only see a sample)
- Comment under a post
- See posts in large view (as a swiper of multiple posts)
- See comments under a post (you can only see a sample)
- See reactions on a post (you can only see a sample)
- React to a post with your Realmojis
- Open primary/secondary image in your browser (through image URL)
- Search
- Listing of friends
- See sent friend requests
- Unsend a sent friend request
- See received friend requests
- Accept a received friend request
- Reject a received friend request
- Send a friend request
- Unfriend someone
- Suggestions (mutuals, contacts, ...)
- Notifications
- Update region for moments
Some advanced features that are not in the original application.
- Light mode
- Upload from gallery
- Manual camera (remove delay between primary image and secondary image, letting you to manually take the secondary image)
- Cache today's feed data to device
(for faster reloading), this is a temporary solution until we implement the task below - Cache data to device local database (for faster reloading and offline access)
Only the necessary data is stored on the device, and the application does not collect any personal information.
- No tracking
- No analytics
- No ads
Follow the instructions on the ↗ Tauri documentation to setup your environment depending on your operating system and target platform.
Also, make sure you have ↗ pnpm installed since it's the package manager used in this project.
git clone && cd StayReal
# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Build internal-api
cd internal-api
pnpm install
pnpm build
cd ..
# Patch the wry crate for Android login
cargo install patch-crate
cd src-tauri && cargo patch-crate
cd ..
# Start development on desktop
pnpm tauri dev
# Start development on Android
pnpm tauri android dev
# Start development on iOS, only available on macOS
pnpm tauri ios dev
# Build for desktop
pnpm tauri build
# Build for Android
pnpm tauri android build
# Build for iOS, only available on macOS
pnpm tauri ios build
If you want to know more about the pipeline used to build the application, you can check the ↗ GitHub Actions workflow.
Every release, publication to stores, is triggered by pnpx tauri-version <bump> -m "chore: release v%s"
followed by git push --follow-tags
so the ↗ release workflow gets triggered by the tag push.
A lot of similar projects and researches have been made, and we would like to thank the authors for their work.
- ↗ BeFake, an API wrapper written in Python
- ↗ TooFake, an alternative web client
- ↗ BeUnblurred, an alternative web client
- ↗ Fowled's researches
- ↗ userbradley's researches
StayReal is licensed under the ↗ GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0), a copyleft license that ensures users’ freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works must also be distributed under GPL-3.0, and source code must be provided or made available.