This is a very rudimentary, wireframe 3d engine.
This serves as a basis for the "Introdução à Matemática e Física Para Videojogos I" course, on the Licenciatura em Videojogos da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias in Lisbon.
The engine was built using:
- Python 3.6
- Pygame (
- Numpy (
- Numpy-quaternion (
There is a sample application that can be run by using:
or python
or python3.6
, depending on your Python installation.
The assignment for the course is as follows:
- Build a "Viewer" application. You can use the sample application as a basis. That application has to feature the following functionality:
- Display a 3d object (see below) in the centre of the screen. Control of the visualization has to be done using the following keys:
- Left/Right arrow: Rotate object around its Y axis
- Up/Down arrow: Rotate object around its X axis
- PgUp/PgDown: Rotate object around its Z axis
- W/S: Move object up and down relative to the screen
- A/D: Move object right and left relative to the screen
- Q/E: Move object forward or back relative to the screen
- Create a model other than a cube for this display. That model can be loaded from a file (in a format like JSON, etc) or can be built totally in code. The model has to include sub-objects (like in the sample the object is made of the red cube and a child green cube)
- Display a 3d object (see below) in the centre of the screen. Control of the visualization has to be done using the following keys:
- Build a "FPS-like" application.
- Create an environment where the player can roam using standard FPS controls. The environment can be just a series of cubes with different scales and positions
- Implement backface culling.
- Backface culling stops the polygons that are facing away from the camera from being renderer
- Hint: You can use the "face normal" and a dot product to detect these cases
- You can check this video for a more in-depth explanation:
- Implement filled geometry, replacing the wireframe
- Hint: you'll have to sort objects by distance and draw back to front)
- Stop objects that are behind the camera from being renderered
- You can do this per-object, or per polygon
- Implement very simple point lighting:
- Create a PointLight3d class and extend the Scene class so you're able to add light(s) to it
- Implement shading based on the light:
- Hint: Light intensity = max(0, dot(Face Normal, Incoming Light Direction))
- Hint: Polygon Color = Light Intensity * Color
- Project can be made individually or with a group of up to 3 students.
- Git commit history will be analyzed to see individual work of students in the overall project
- Project has to be delivered up 20th January 2020 (midnight), and link delivered on the course's Moodle page
- Deliverables have to include a link to the Github repo
- If you want to use a private repository, instead of a public one, you can deliver all the files in a .zip file, INCLUDING the .git directory for git usage analysis
- Only one student in the group need to turn in the project
- Project has to include a report, in a
file. This report has to include the work done on the project, and the individual contributions of the group. - Report should also include (besides the names and numbers of students), their Github account username.
- Report has to be formated in Markdown, as taught on the November workshop.
- Extra credit on reports that include a short postmortem, where students explain what went right with the project and what went wrong
- Deliverables have to include a link to the Github repo
- Grade will consider the following:
- How much was achieved from the overal goals
- Viewer application is considered the minimum viable delivery
- Functionality and lack of bugs
- Overall quality of code, including documentation
- GIT usage throughout the project, as well as individual contributions of students
- How much was achieved from the overal goals
To run the sample application, you'll have to install all the used modules:
pip install pygame
pip install numpy
pip install numpy-quaternion
Although not needed, to avoid some warnings on application startup, you can install two additional modules:
pip install numba
pip install scipy
If pip is not available on the command line, you can try to invoke it through the module interface on Python:
python -m pip install <name of package>
There might be some issues with installing numpy and numpy-quaternion, due to a C compiler not being available in the path. If that happens, you can try download a binary version of the library (called a wheel) and install it manually.
You can download the wheels for Numpy from
. Choose the appropriate version for your OS and Python version (cp36 for Python 3.6, cp37 for Python 3.7, etc). For example, 64-bit Windows 10 for Python 3.6 is the file numpy-1.17.4-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl
For numpy-quaternion, you can get the files from
. Same naming scheme is used, so the file for 64-bit Windows 10 for Python 3.6 is the file numpy_quaternion‑2019.12.12‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl
To install a wheel manually, you just have to run the command: pip install <wheel name>
or python -m pip install <wheel name>
from the directory where the wheel was downloaded to.
We recomend building a fork of this project, and doing additional work on your repository.
- Create a copy (fork) of this repository (normally called upstream) in your Github account (Fork button in the upper right corner). The copy of the repository is usually called origin
- Get a local copy (on your PC) of the origin repository, with the comand
git clone<your_username>/imfj1_2019_projecto.git
(replace<your username>
by your username in Github) - Link the local repository with the remote upstream repository with the command:
git remote add upstream https://VideojogosLusofona/imfj1_2019_projecto.git
Periodically, update your repository with changes done on the source imfj1_2019_projecto
repo (in case bug fixes are introduced):
- Make sure you're working on the master branch:
git checkout master
- Download any updates on the imfj1_2019_projecto source repository by merging them with your master branch:
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
- Upload (push) the changes on upstream to the origin repository:
git push origin master
Do your normal work and commit/pull/push as taught. Grade will take in account how well GIT is used throughout the project.
All code in this repo is made available through the GPLv3 license. The text and all the other files are made available through the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
- Autor: Diogo Andrade