VipAssistant's web backend which is deployed and running on:
This backend serves to VipAssistant frontend modules' (currently only to Android Mobile Application) various needs such as:
- User Management
- Heatmap construction and refresh
- Social Distancing Mode Regulation and Notifications
Master Features provided by VipAssistant as a whole are listed in below:
- Real-time Location Detection
- Path Generation to Destination Points
- Capability to Get Voice Command Inputs
- Ability of Recalculating Invalid Paths
- Capability to Give Voice Directive Outputs
- Displaying E.T.A and Remaining Distance to Destination
- Ability to Explore Near X
- Capability of Reporting Surroundings
- Allowing Users to Save Locations as Bookmarks
- Allowing Users to Share Their Current Locations
- Providing Computed Shortest Path
- Capability to Detect Population Intensity
- Serving Information About Chosen Locations
- Providing Meaningful Data Results using Data Analytics
- Providing Highest Security Measures into Platform
- Capability to Provide Surf/Discover in the World Map Ability
- Capability to Precache Unloaded Parts of the Map Ability
- Capability to Preview Route and Cancel Ongoing Navigation Ability
- Capability to Search Indoor Locations by Their Name Ability
: Implementations will not be merged to master
until we have a fully-functional demo-ready platform.
: Main development branch that we are going accumulate our tested and done implementations on Demo mobile platform, each group member will develop his work on a seperate branch on top of this branch. Finished correct implementations on demo application will be merged to development again.