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Jasenkoo committed Apr 1, 2024
1 parent 7574555 commit 3d2c3d0
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@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
import type {
} from 'vue';
import type { Locale } from 'date-fns';

export type EmitEvents =
| 'update:model-value'
| 'update:model-timezone-value'
| 'text-submit'
| 'closed'
| 'cleared'
| 'open'
| 'focus'
| 'blur'
| 'internal-model-change'
| 'recalculate-position'
| 'flow-step'
| 'update-month-year'
| 'invalid-select'
| 'tooltip-open'
| 'tooltip-close'
| 'invalid-fixed-range'
| 'time-picker-open'
| 'time-picker-close'
| 'am-pm-change'
| 'range-start'
| 'range-end'
| 'date-update'
| 'invalid-date';
export type WeekNumberType = 'iso' | 'local' | ((date: Date) => string | number);
export type TimeObj = { hours: number; minutes: number; seconds: number };
export type PartialTimeObj = { hours?: number | string; minutes?: number | string; seconds?: number | string };
export type TimeModel = {
hours: number | string;
minutes: number | string;
seconds?: number | string;
export type MenuView = 'month' | 'year' | 'calendar' | 'time';
export type ModelValue =
| Date
| Date[]
| Array<Date[]>
| Array<string[]>
| string
| string[]
| number
| number[]
| TimeModel
| TimeModel[]
| { month: number | string; year: number | string }
| { month: number | string; year: number | string }[]
| null;

export interface DatePickerMarker {
date: Date | string;
type?: 'dot' | 'line';
tooltip?: { text?: string; html?: string; color?: string }[];
color?: string;

export interface DisabledTime {
hours: number | string;
minutes: number | string;
seconds?: number | string;

export interface CalendarWeek {
days: CalendarDay[];
export interface CalendarDay {
text: number | string;
value: Date;
current: boolean;
classData: Record<string, boolean>;
marker?: DatePickerMarker;

export interface Highlight {
dates: Date[];
years: number[];
months: { month: number; year: number }[];
quarters: { quarter: number; year: number }[];
weekdays: number[];
options: { highlightDisabled: boolean };

export type DpOptionEnabled = boolean | number | string;

export interface RangeConfig {
noDisabledRange?: boolean;
showLastInRange?: boolean;
minMaxRawRange?: boolean;
partialRange?: boolean;
disableTimeRangeValidation?: boolean;
fixedStart?: boolean;
fixedEnd?: boolean;
maxRange?: string | number;
minRange?: string | number;
autoRange?: string | number;

export interface VueDatePickerProps {
uid?: string;
name?: string;
is24?: boolean;
enableTimePicker?: boolean;
range?: boolean | RangeConfig;
multiCalendars?: DpOptionEnabled | Partial<{ static: boolean; solo: boolean; count: number | string }>;
modelValue?: ModelValue;
locale?: string;
position?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
dark?: boolean;
placeholder?: string;
weekNumbers?: WeekNumberType | { type: WeekNumberType; hideOnOffsetDates?: boolean };
hoursIncrement?: number | string;
hoursGridIncrement?: number | string;
secondsGridIncrement?: number | string;
minutesGridIncrement?: number | string;
minutesIncrement?: number | string;
secondsIncrement?: number | string;
minDate?: Date | string;
maxDate?: Date | string;
minTime?: PartialTimeObj;
maxTime?: PartialTimeObj;
weekStart?: '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
disabled?: boolean;
readonly?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
format?: string | ((date: Date) => string) | ((dates: Date[]) => string);
previewFormat?: string | ((date: Date) => string) | ((dates: Date[]) => string);
inputClassName?: string;
menuClassName?: string;
calendarClassName?: string;
calendarCellClassName?: string;
hideInputIcon?: boolean;
state?: boolean;
clearable?: boolean;
autoApply?: boolean;
filters?: {
months?: number[];
years?: number[];
times?: { hours?: number[]; minutes?: number[]; seconds?: number[] };
disableMonthYearSelect?: boolean;
yearRange?: number[];
disabledDates?: Date[] | string[] | ((date: Date) => boolean);
inline?: boolean | { input?: boolean };
selectText?: string;
cancelText?: string;
weekNumName?: string;
autoPosition?: boolean;
monthPicker?: boolean;
timePicker?: boolean;
| boolean
| {
enterSubmit?: boolean;
tabSubmit?: boolean;
openMenu?: boolean;
rangeSeparator?: string;
selectOnFocus?: boolean;
format?: string | string[] | ((value: string) => Date | null);
monthNameFormat?: 'long' | 'short';
startDate?: string | Date;
startTime?: PartialTimeObj | PartialTimeObj[];
hideOffsetDates?: boolean;
* @deprecated
autoRange?: number | string;
noToday?: boolean;
noHoursOverlay?: boolean;
noMinutesOverlay?: boolean;
noSecondsOverlay?: boolean;
altPosition?: (el: HTMLElement | undefined) => { top: number | string; left: number | string; transform?: string };
disabledWeekDays?: number[] | string[];
allowedDates?: string[] | Date[];
nowButtonLabel?: string;
* @deprecated
partialRange?: boolean;
monthChangeOnScroll?: boolean | 'inverse';
markers?: DatePickerMarker[];
| boolean
| {
menuAppearTop?: string;
menuAppearBottom?: string;
open?: string;
close?: string;
next?: string;
previous?: string;
vNext?: string;
vPrevious?: string;
enableSeconds?: boolean;
escClose?: boolean;
spaceConfirm?: boolean;
monthChangeOnArrows?: boolean;
formatLocale?: Locale;
autocomplete?: string;
multiDates?: boolean | { limit?: number | string; dragSelect?: boolean };
presetDates?: {
label: string;
value: Date[] | string[] | string | Date;
style?: Record<string, string>;
slot?: string;
noTz?: boolean;
flow?: ('month' | 'year' | 'calendar' | 'time' | 'minutes' | 'hours' | 'seconds')[];
partialFlow?: boolean;
preventMinMaxNavigation?: boolean;
* @deprecated
minRange?: number | string;
* @deprecated
maxRange?: number | string;
* @deprecated
fixedStart?: boolean;
* @deprecated
fixedEnd?: boolean;
utc?: boolean | 'preserve';
* @deprecated
multiDatesLimit?: number | string;
reverseYears?: boolean;
weekPicker?: boolean;
vertical?: boolean;
ariaLabels?: {
toggleOverlay?: string;
menu?: string;
input?: string;
calendarWrap?: string;
calendarDays?: string;
openTimePicker?: string;
closeTimePicker?: string;
incrementValue?: (type: 'hours' | 'minutes' | 'seconds') => string;
decrementValue?: (type: 'hours' | 'minutes' | 'seconds') => string;
openTpOverlay?: (type: 'hours' | 'minutes' | 'seconds') => string;
amPmButton?: string;
openYearsOverlay?: string;
openMonthsOverlay?: string;
nextMonth?: string;
prevMonth?: string;
nextYear?: string;
prevYear?: string;
day?: ({ value }: { value: Date }) => string;
weekDay?: (day: number) => string;
arrowNavigation?: boolean;
yearPicker?: boolean;
* @deprecated
disableTimeRangeValidation?: boolean;
dayNames?: ((lang: string, weekStart: number) => string[]) | string[];
modelType?: 'timestamp' | 'format' | string;
modelAuto?: boolean;
| ((date: Date[], disabled?: boolean) => boolean)
| ((month: { month: number; year: number }) => boolean)
| ((year: number) => boolean)
| ((quarter: { quarter: number; year: number }) => boolean)
| Partial<Highlight>;
offset?: string | number;
teleportCenter?: boolean;
teleport?: boolean | string | HTMLElement;
ignoreTimeValidation?: boolean;
dayClass?: (date: Date) => string;
hideNavigation?: ('month' | 'year' | 'calendar' | 'time' | 'minutes' | 'hours' | 'seconds')[];
* @deprecated
noDisabledRange?: boolean;
sixWeeks?: boolean | 'append' | 'prepend' | 'center' | 'fair';
| string
| { timezone?: string; exactMatch?: boolean; dateInTz?: string; emitTimezone?: string; convertModel?: boolean };
* @deprecated
emitTimezone?: string;
disableYearSelect?: boolean;
focusStartDate?: boolean;
| ((time: TimeObj | TimeObj[] | (TimeObj | undefined)[]) => boolean)
| DisabledTime[]
| [DisabledTime[], DisabledTime[]];
* @deprecated
showLastInRange?: boolean;
timePickerInline?: boolean;
calendar?: (weeks: CalendarWeek[]) => CalendarWeek[];
config?: {
allowStopPropagation?: boolean;
closeOnScroll?: boolean;
modeHeight?: number;
allowPreventDefault?: boolean;
closeOnClearValue?: boolean;
closeOnAutoApply?: boolean;
noSwipe?: boolean;
keepActionRow?: boolean;
onClickOutside?: (validate: () => boolean) => void;
tabOutClosesMenu?: boolean;
quarterPicker?: boolean;
yearFirst?: boolean;
loading?: boolean;

export type DatePickerInstance = ComponentPublicInstance<PublicMethods> | null;

export interface PublicMethods extends MethodOptions {
selectDate: () => void;
closeMenu: () => void;
openMenu: () => void;
clearValue: () => void;
onScroll: () => void;
updateInternalModelValue: (value: Date | Date[] | null) => void;
setMonthYear: (value: { month?: number | string; year?: number | string }) => void;
parseModel: (value?: ModelValue) => void;
switchView: (view: MenuView, instance?: number) => void;
toggleMenu: () => void;

declare const _default: DefineComponent<

export default _default;

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