Hi I'm XB3AST, And I'm
const data = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
codename: "XB3AST",
status: "alive",
doing: "Forging Web Realms and Crafting Cyber Scripts in Shadows...",
code: ["{Python}", "{PHP}", "{Javascript}", "{Typescript}", "{Bash}"],
askMeAbout: ["soft dev", "web dev", "cyber sec"],
webdev: {
frontEnd: {
technologies: ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "Bootstrap", "React JS", "Tailwind CSS", "GSAP", "Framer Motion"],
backEnd: {
technologies: ["Node JS", "Express JS", "Next JS" "SQL, "PHP", "Laravel"],
contact: {
website: xbeast1.vercel.app,
email: xbeast331@proton.me,
instagram: 0x00007ff,
youtube: @XBEAST321,
💻 Access Me In Terminal
└─# python3 xb3ast.py
Hello stranger! XB3AST is serving here...