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Adds a silly boombox (The Spöökbox™) to Content Warning that lets players dance to any tune they want while going viral :]


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Content Warning Spöökbox

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Adds a silly boombox (The Spöökbox™) that lets players dance to any tune they want while going viral :]


  • Play your own music: Load your local mp3 files to create your own mixtape to play!
  • Dance with the monsters of the Old World: In-game setting to allow monsters to also hear the music and let them know where you are... Some may not be happy.
  • The party never stops: Even if you stash the Spöökbox it will keep playing, so you are free to record or fight G L O R P and keep the beats flowing.

How to install

You can download this mod from either the Steam Workshop or Thunderstore. Please note that you should only download it from one place, otherwise you might run into problems.


Everyone in your lobby must have the mod installed for it to work!

Steam Workshop

Spöökbox is easiest to install from the Steam Workshop. Just go the mod's Workshop page and click Subscribe.

Thunderstore (r2modman)

If you are using r2modman, search for "spookbox" in the app, or go to the mod's page directly and click "Install with Mod Manager".


This mod depends on the ShopAPI mod to register itself into the in-game store. If you are installing this mod from the Steam Workshop or Thunderstore, this should be resolved and handled automatically.

How to use

Loading music

Loading music can be done from multiple source directories at the same time. Keep in mind that you need to have your own mp3 files for this to work.


Everyone in your lobby must have the same mp3 files! Once you created a good list of tunes, send them to your friends and have them copy them into the above directory.


The maximum number of individual tracks that can be loaded is 255.

Once you have the list of music you want to use, there are two easy ways to load them into the boombox:

  1. Go to your Music folder (%userprofile%\Music), create a folder called SpookboxMixtape, and copy your files in there.
  2. Launch the game, open Settings > Mods, and click the Open music folder setting. This will open the mod's own music directory. Do note that this folder will be deleted when you uninstall the mod.
    • This folder changes depending on the version of the mod you use. For the steam version, it will be in your Steam Library folder (by default at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\2881650\3410924959\SpookboxMixtape)
    • For the Thunderstore version it will be at your profile's plugins folder, in the mod's own folder


If you have the game open while adding or removing tracks. make sure to click the Reload music setting to have your changes take effect.


Once you have Content Warning and your profile selected, go to Settings -> Browse profile folder. From there go to BepInEx\plugins\Xerren-Spookbox\SpookboxMixtape and copy-paste your music files. You can also make use of content mods. The boombox's music loader will scan all other mods for directories with the SpookboxMixtape name and load all music files within them automatically.

Content Mods

If you are using Thunderstore, you can also create content mods. These mods don't add extra functionality, but can provide extra assets to other mods; in Spöökbox's case this means you can create a content pack with music inside!

Follow the thunderstore guide to create a new mod. Add the dependency string from the mod's page to the manifest.json's dependencies array. Then, in the same folder with all your files, create a SpookboxMixtape folder, and copy all your music files into it.

Zip the entire base directory up (directory with the icon.png, manifest.json, files and the SpookboxMixtape folder), and upload it to Thunderstore. Done! :) Now your friends can download the content mod and be assured that you all share the same tunes.

In-game settings

Settings that affect the experience for everyone are designed to be quickly adaptable during gameplay. For example, the host can set the boombox's battery to no longer discharge. This will automatically synchronise for every player in the lobby, but will not change your own settings, so while the effect will be the same for every player, visually the toggle may be off in their own settings menu.


This may be confusing at first glance but it is deliberate, so when the next time you are the one hosting a game, your settings will be unique to you, instead of whatever your friends had. These settings are suffixed with [HOST], meaning only the current lobby's host's changes will have effect; if you are not the host, changing these will do nothing.

Local boombox volume

Controls all boombox's local maximum volume. While you can still change their individual, shared volume during gameplay, you can use this slider to personalise how loud you want the music to be on your end (similar to the other volume sliders in the settings). Sometimes TUCA DONKA blasting in your ear can be a bit too much. I get you.

Volume Up and Down Keys

Each boombox has an individual volume setting, so you can control how annoying loud each of you are. By default it is always 50%, but you can change it by pressing these keys. This is synchronised between player for the specific boombox instances.

[HOST] "Let BigSlap hear the tunes"

You know what this does (alerts nearby monsters) (also affects other monsters). Only the host can set this, but they may freely change it anytime during the run (which will affect everyone).

[HOST] Infinite battery

Check this if you don't want the boombox to ever run out of battery. Only the host can set this, but they may freely change it anytime during the run (which will affect everyone).

[HOST] Price

Sets the boombox's price. By default it is 100$. Only the host can set this, but they may freely change it anytime during the run (which will affect everyone).

Open music folder

Opens the mod's own music folder in Windows Explorer.

Please note that if you change music while the game is running, you must then click Rescan music to reload them.

Rescan music

Rescans and reloads all tracks to the boombox.


Model: My dearest friend, Cinnaboop <3

Emotional support: Echo (was in the call) :]

Click SFX (slightly edited): Tape Start 139BPM Sync by djlprojects -- -- License: Attribution 4.0


Adds a silly boombox (The Spöökbox™) to Content Warning that lets players dance to any tune they want while going viral :]






