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CSS Workshop Series - Building your portfolio with React

by Ally Garton

Frameworks, Libraries, & Tools

  • React built with Vite.
  • JSX (for the sake of maximum simplicity - please feel free to build your own project using TSX).
  • Tailwind is available for use, however the base project uses vanilla CSS. For the sake of this workshop, working in vanilla CSS is recommended. To switch off vanilla CSS and switch on Tailwind, go to src/index.css, comment out the imports at the top of the file, and uncomment the imports at the bottom of the file. This will break the styling initially, but you can build it back up using Tailwind.
  • Google Fonts for...fonts.
  • FontAwesome for flexible pre-made icons. Free version only!
  • Animate On Scroll (AOS) for animating components.
  • Lite Youtube for privately and efficiently rendering YouTube videos in your site.

Getting Started

  • Start by signing in to GitHub Desktop - it should be installed on all lab PCs.
  • Clone this repo in GitHub Desktop:
    • Click the green <> Code button above and copy the URL under HTTPS.
    • In GitHub Desktop, navigate to File > Clone a repository > URL and paste the URL you just copied from GitHub.
    • Choose a location (Documents is fine) and press Clone.
  • Set up a repo in your own GitHub account by navigating to your repositories and clicking New. This will be where your portfolio site will sit. Leave it set to public for now. You do not need a readme, gitignore, or license.
  • In the Command Prompt (type cmd into Windows search), navigate to this cloned repo's files. You can do this using cd <FILEPATH> - if you cloned into Documents, cd documents/css-website-template should do the trick.
  • Still in the Command Prompt, type git remote set-url origin, replacing the necessary parts. You don't need the @ in your username.
  • Open up the cloned repo in VSCode. Try adding a .txt file to the file structure and committing it via GitHub Desktop. If it commits without any issues, you're good to go! 🌟

Start from scratch (for the confident!)

  • Ensure you have the latest versions of Node and NPM installed.
  • Navigate to your dev space using the Command Prompt and run npm create vite@latest.
  • Name your project.
  • Choose React from the list of frameworks.
  • Choose between JavaScript and TypeScript (I recommend TypeScript, but it's your call).








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  • JavaScript 68.2%
  • CSS 27.9%
  • HTML 3.9%