For: Qt 5.15.2 (opensource) A simple fix which allows ModbusTCP handle my custom commands.
How to add new custom commands:
- Add the command to "enum FunctionCode" in "qmodbuspdu.h" file
- Add minimum data size case for the command to a switch case in "static int minimumDataSize(const QModbusPdu &pdu, Type type)" function inside of "qmodbuspdu.cpp".
- Register data size calculator inside your main:
QModbusResponse::registerDataSizeCalculator(QModbusPdu::FunctionCode(custom_fun_code), [](const QModbusResponse &)-> int
return 42;
(4. Build Qt. The resulting dll (on Windows) will be in \qtbase\bin)
To build Qt follow the instructions from here: GitHub - Qt5
Sometimes the compilation might result in an error (tested on Windows10). Adding -opengl desktop parameter to "configuration" might help.
The files should be placed into "..\qt5\qtserialbus\src\serialbus"