Source code and trained models for the paper Analyzing the Accuracy of Critical Micelle Concentration Predictions using Deep Learning.
Clone this repository and then use conda
to install the required dependencies. Next, install the appropriate version of tensorflow-probability
for your version of tensorflow
, consulting the GPFlow installation instructions. (This will depend on which version of CUDA you have installed, if you plan to use GPU acceleration.). Use pip
to install gpflow
, spektral
and keras_tuner
, and then install the source code of the repository.
export TFP_VERSION=0.18.*
git clone
cd CaMCaNN
conda env create -n camcann --file camcann.yml
conda activate camcann
pip install spektral gpflow keras_tuner tensorflow-probability==$TFP_VERSION
pip install -e .
The experiments from the paper can be executed by running the camcann.lab
module with the appropriate arguments:
$ python -m camcann.lab -h
usage: [-h] [-e EPOCHS] [--cluster] [--and-uq] [--just-uq] [--no-gp-scaler] [--lin-mean-fn] [--only-best] [--test-complementary] [--kpca KPCA] [--pairwise] [--splits SPLITS] [--repeats REPEATS] {GNNModel,ECFPLinear} {Nonionics,All} name
positional arguments:
The type of model to create.
{Nonionics,All} The dataset to use.
name The name of the model.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
The number of epochs to train.
--cluster Just perform clustering with the ECFPs.
--and-uq Re-train the GNN and then the uncertainty quantification model.
--just-uq Just train the uncertainty quantifier.
--no-gp-scaler Don't use a scaler on the latent points for the Gaussian process.
--lin-mean-fn Use a linear function for the mean of the Gaussian process. If not set, will use the trained MLP from the NN as the mean function.
--only-best For GNN -- don't perform search, only train the best model.
--test-complementary Test saved model on Complementary data.
--kpca KPCA Compute N kernel principal components on Qin and Complementary data after training UQ.
--pairwise Compute just the learned pariwise kernel on all of the data.
Sensitivity analysis:
Flags to set for sensitivity analysis. If unspecified, trains a model using the Qin data split. Otherwise, uses repeated stratified k-fold CV to train models.
--splits SPLITS The number of splits to use. Defines the train/test ratio.
--repeats REPEATS The number of repeats.
The model, its checkpoints and its logs will be saved in models/<name>
For example, to train a linear model using ECFP fingerprints on the whole Qin dataset, you can use:
python -m camcann.lab ECFPLinear All ecfp-test-all
The module is designed to determine the best combination of hyperparameters for training the GNNs using Hyperband. Performing this search is the default behaviour when the model is GNNModel
. This produces a best_hps.json
file, once at least a single trial has been completed. Once this file exists, the --only-best
flag will train a single model with the number of epochs specified with -e
. After this model has been trained it can supply the latent space inputs for the uncertainty quantification model: --just-uq
will train the Gaussian process.
The best_hps.json
file can be copied to a directory in order to re-use the parameters found by Hyperband. See also the and files for examples of this.
Before performing sensitivity analysis, clustering must be done in order to split the data into classes for stratified K-fold cross-validation. The data in camcann/data has already been decorated with these clusters, but they can be reproduced using the --cluster
flag and then executing the script. Thereafter, the --splits
and --repeats
options determine the sensitivity analysis behaviour. Each split/repeat will result in a new folder in the models
All of the data that was used to train and test the models is available in the datasets subdirectory. The qin
files in this directory are copied from the repository for the prior GNN paper used for benchmarking, but they have had cluster
columns added. The pred
and err
entries therefore refer to the predictions and residuals of the previous work. The nist-new-vals.csv file contains the Complementary dataset.
If you wish to use the Qin datasets, please cite their paper. If you wish to use the Complementary data, please cite: Mukerjee, P.; Mysels, K. J. Critical Micelle Concentrations of Aqueous Surfactant Systems; National Standard reference data system, 1971; pp 51–65.
All of the models that were trained during the research are available in the models subdirectory. The README provides a description of each model and the metrics that are available.
The code to produce the visualisations from the paper is also available in the visualisation subdirectory. These scripts can be invoked as modules to include the consistent styling rules (e.g. python -m visualisation.plot
To plot a molecular cartogram, the third-party software Gephi must also be used. Use the --pairwise
option of camcann.lab
to produce the full_kernel.csv
file, then use the script to convert this to an adjacency matrix that can be read by Gephi. Load the file into Gephi, making sure to select "undirected" as the graph type, then select and run the Force Atlas 2 layout algorithm. When you are satisfied with the results, save the graph as a JSON format and then convert it using the script. Finally, use to see the cartogram results.
During the writing of the paper, the external validation dataset was renamed from the "NIST" to the "Complementary" dataset. This has been reflected in the user-facing side of the code, but there are still references to "nist" in variable names that were not changed so as not to retroactively introduce bugs into the code.