Full-Stack Chat App
Deployed link : First Chat
API documentation : First Chat
This full-stack chat app enables real-time communication between users. It consists of two main components: the frontend and the backend.
The frontend is built using:
- React: A JavaScript library for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
- Chakra UI: A component library that provides pre-styled UI components for React applications.
It utilizes:
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing user data, messages, and other relevant information.
- Express: A web application framework for creating RESTful APIs and handling HTTP requests.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment that allows server-side execution.
- Socket.io: A library for enabling real-time communication via WebSockets.
- User Authentication:
- Implement user registration and login functionality.
- Secure user authentication using jwt
- Real-Time Chat:
- Users can send and receive messages in real time.
- Utilize Socket.io for instant updates and notifications.
- Resource Upload (Cloudinary):
- Users can upload images, files, or other resources.
- Cloudinary integration for efficient resource storage and retrieval.
- API Endpoints:
- Define various API endpoints using Express:
- User registration and login.
- Message retrieval and storage.
- Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/aRc-rAy/First-Chat.git
- Set up MongoDB and create a database for your app.
- Configure environment variables for MongoDB connection, Cloudinary API keys.
- Install dependencies (npm install in both frontend and backend folders). Move to current directory
cd First-Chat
run below command in terminal
npm run build
- Start the frontend (npm start) and backend (node index.js) servers.
- Register or log in to access the chat interface.
- Send and receive messages in real time.
- Upload images using Cloudinary.
- Explore the API endpoints for additional functionality.
Contributions are welcome!