WP Infrastructure that can be used for all WP services and environments.
- Install Vagrant from https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html
- Install VirtualBox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
- Create Vagrant using shell script
This step will generate one vagrant:
$ [email protected]:aboodasbahi/wp_infrastructure.git
$ cd wp_infrastructure
$ vagrant up
On running Vagrant
$ vagrant provision
On turned off Vagrant
$ vagrant up --provision
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
Download MySQL Workbench from https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/
Within your project directory type vagrant ssh-config in the command line. This will give you a few things you'll need.
-User: (most likely vagrant) -IdentityFile (the path to the private key that MySQL workbench will need)
Open up MySQL Workbench and create a new connection
- Connection Method: Standard TCIP/IP over SSH
- SSH Hostname:
- SSH Username: vagrant (from your ssh-config above)
- SSH Password: leave this alone
- SSH Key File: Use the IdentityFile path from above.
- MySQL Hostname:
- MySQL Port: 3306
- Username: whatever username you usually use
- Password: the password for the db
- After that, make sure your vagrant box is up and running, then you should be able to simply connect to the DB!