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Custom scalafix rules

This project aims to find certain problems in Scala code, like

  • using different name for case class pattern match as it was used in the constructor (only when case class was declared with a marker trait (NamesShouldMatch))

Currently we do not have a release yet. In order to use this in your project, please do the following:

  • check out this project
    • sbt genericMarkers/publishLocal
    • sbt "++ 2.12.14 genericRules/publishLocal"
    • sbt "++ 2.12.14 slickRules/publishLocal"
  • add the generated artifacts as a dependency: libraryDependencies += "com.github.aborg0" %% "customfixes-generic-markers" % "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
  • tip: In case you have issues with IDEA not being able to import your project ("Extracting structure failed, reason: not ok build status: Error (BuildMessages(Vector(),Vector(),Vector(),Vector(),Error))"), stop the sbt shell first!
  • and as a scalafix dependency:
    • ThisBuild / scalafixDependencies += "com.github.aborg0" %% "customfixes-generic" % "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
    • ThisBuild / scalafixDependencies += "com.github.aborg0" %% "customfixes-slick" % "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
  • the project/plugins.sbt should contain addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-scalafix" % "0.9.29")

Case class argument name match

In case you have a case class like this in your codebase:

import com.github.aborg0.customfixes.marker.NamesShouldMatch

final case class Person(lastName: String, firstName: String, age: Int) extends NamesShouldMatch

And other part contains something like:

  val somebody = Person(lastName= "lastName", firstName = "firstName", age = 11)

  somebody match {
    case Person(firstName, _, _) => println(s"Should warn")

(Note that the firstName and lastName are in different order!)

From the sbt shell the scalafix CaseClassArgumentNameMatch should report something similar:

[info] Running scalafix on 2 Scala sources
[error] C:\Users\demo\IdeaProjects\customfixes_example\src\main\scala\org\example\Main.scala:10:17: error: [CaseClassArgumentNameMatch] Inconsistent name for 'lastName'
[error]     case Person(firstName, _, _) => println(s"Should warn")
[error]                 ^^^^^^^^^
[error] (Compile / scalafix) scalafix.sbt.ScalafixFailed: LinterError

[Slick] DBIOAction ignored

When{someActions} is executed, it might be surprising that only the last action is actually run. The SlickRunMultipleActions attempts to fix this by wrapping the actions in DBIO.seq() before executing them.


Some scalafix rules







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