This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 10, 2025. It is now read-only.
eShopOnAbp version 1.0
What's Changed
- EShopOnAbp: EfCore Mismatch for AuthServer and Administration Service by @gterdem in #3
- AuthServer - Design Improvements by @enisn in #5
- Remove HttpApi layers of the microservices from API gateways by @gterdem in #4
- EShopOnAbp: Gateway Improvements by @gterdem in #6
- Update to .net6.0-rc.1 & ABP 5.0-beta.1 by @enisn in #7
- Dockerize and image build scripts by @gterdem in #8
- Blank Business Services by @enisn in #9
- Update by @enisn in #10
- Consul integration by @gterdem in #11
- eShopOnAbp helm deployment configuration by @gterdem in #12
- Added https enforcement by @gterdem in #13
- Added consul k8s by @gterdem in #14
- Update consul config by @gokhansengun in #15
- Remove Consul by @gterdem in #16
- eShopOnAbp: Profile update error by @gterdem in #18
- Update solution to RC2 by @gterdem in #19
- eShopOnAbp Kubernetes & helm deployment configuration by @gterdem in #20
- Changes after chart refactoring meeting by @gokhansengun in #21
- Helm Chart Refactor by @gterdem in #22
- Remove Internal Gateway by @gterdem in #23
- Add multi-stage dockerfile support by @gterdem in #24
- eShopOnAbp: Remove Multi-tenancy by @gterdem in #26
- Fix catalog service tests by @enisn in #27
- update to latest version by @xyfy in #25
- Remove Saas completely by @enisn in #29
- Change Databases to PostgreSQL by @enisn in #28
- Payment Service with PayPal by @enisn in #17
- eShopOnAbp: Update helm charts for PostgreSQL by @gterdem in #30
- Web App deployment fix by @gterdem in #31
- eShopOnAbp: Use MongoDB for Category by @gterdem in #32
- Angular project for demo with lpx by @bnymncoskuner in #35
- fix: change order of dependencies in admin by @bnymncoskuner in #36
- Feat/angular project for demo by @bnymncoskuner in #34
- Implement a simple "purchase" button for demo by @hikalkan in #37
- Created initial catalog and basket functionality by @hikalkan in #33
- eShopOnAbp: add MongoDb to docker-compose by @gterdem in #38
- Fix invisible login button by @enisn in #40
- Extract common code from ViewComponents by @enisn in #41
- Add AnonymousId to DTOs by @enisn in #42
- eShopOnAbp: Catalog and basket updates by @gterdem in #43
- zh-Hans.json updates by @afresh in #44
- Merge anonymous user cart with signed in user cart by @gterdem in #45
- Redirect to login if user is unauthorized when purchase is clicked with same return url by @gterdem in #46
- Payment Flow by @enisn in #48
- Add payment and payment completed pages. by @gterdem in #47
- Create Aggregate roots and db configurations for OrderService by @gterdem in #49
- Payment page and provider updates by @gterdem in #50
- Add Payment Provider bypassing by @enisn in #51
- Updated Payment with Order by @gterdem in #52
- Create Order flow by @gterdem in #53
- zh-Hans translations by @afresh in #54
- eShopOnAbp: Design Basket UI by @gterdem in #55
- eShopOnAbp: Create my orders page by @gterdem in #56
- Add
by @maliming in #58 - eShopOnAbp: Design Payment UI by @gterdem in #57
- eShopOnAbp: Fix missing localizations by @gterdem in #59
- Change the reference to the Account module. by @maliming in #60
- Move BrandingProvider to Shared library by @enisn in #61
- Cart popover by @enisn in #62
- PaymentMethod Improvements by @enisn in #63
- Exposing Payment Methods from Payment Service by @enisn in #64
- Add OutOfStock button in Index by @enisn in #66
- eShopOnAbp: Expose Account Service with swagger endpoint by @gterdem in #67
by @maliming in #65- Minor refacoring on eShopOnAbp by @hikalkan in #69
- eShopOnAbp: Gateway multiple api definition authorization by @gterdem in #68
- Upgrade solution to the latest ABP 5.1.x. by @gterdem in #70
- Use the new hosting model (remove the Startup class) in all applications. by @gterdem in #71
- Use async initialization methods and remove AsyncHelper usages in the module classes. by @gterdem in #72
- eShopOnAbp: Refactor Basket service by @gterdem in #73
- eShopOnAbp: Refactor anonymous user by @gterdem in #74
- Remove controllers from gateways and add rewrite options by @enisn in #76
- eShopOnAbp: Refactor OrderStatus (remove unused states) by @gterdem in #77
- eShopOnAbp: Add gRPC endpoint to the catalog service by @gterdem in #75
- eShopOnAbp: Update Helm charts by @gterdem in #78
- eShopOnAbp: Provide a non-layered microservice example by @gterdem in #79
- eShopOnAbp: Introduce ocelot.json by @gterdem in #80
- eShopOnAbp: Remove FeatureManagement by @gterdem in #81
- eShopOnAbp: Fix Grpc base class warnings by @gterdem in #82
- Remove 'delete-bin-obj-folders' scripts by @enisn in #83
- Swagger Configuration Update by @gterdem in #84
- Corrected spelling mistake by @malikmasis in #87
- Update readme by @malikmasis in #86
- Fixes - Implemented DistributedLock.Redis by @malikmasis in #85
- Removed TenantCreatedEto handling by @malikmasis in #88
- eShopOnAbp: Use file-scoped namespaces by @gterdem in #89
- Add solution of SSL Error by @enisn in #91
- Retry logic for migrations by @enisn in #94
- Removed OrderStatus table and added it as a column by @malikmasis in #95
- 11427 order managment by @mahmut-gundogdu in #92
- 11949 moving files by @malikmasis in #96
- eShopOnAbp: Switch Ocelot to YAG by @gterdem in #97
- Show the image on the cart correctly by @malikmasis in #98
- Fixed the missed images on order and basket by @malikmasis in #99
- Remove distributed event bus & refactor migrations by @enisn in #90
- Re-added the distributed lock library. by @hikalkan in #100
- Added null check for DistributedLock by @malikmasis in #101
- Removed the mentioned event handlers by @malikmasis in #102
- Docker-Composing merge part-1 by @gterdem in #104
- Helm Yarp configuration update by @gterdem in #103
- eShopOnAbp: Admin app should use SSO by @gterdem in #105
- Add a wildcard certificate generation alternative by @gokhansengun in #106
- EShopOnAbp.WebPublicGateway use same TCP ports of EShopOnAbp.CatalogService.HttpApi.Host by @gterdem in #108
- eShopOnAbp: Configure tls for kubernetes by @gterdem in #107
- Ddd abpLocalizationPipe on order-detail.component.html by @mahmut-gundogdu in #109
- #11426 dashboard by @mahmut-gundogdu in #110
- Start mediating docker-compose dev by @gokhansengun in #111
- eShopOnAbp: Add Docker-Compose by @gterdem in #112
- Fix signalr proxying over nginx by @gokhansengun in #115
- eShopOnAbp: Deploy to Azure (AKS) by @skoc10 in #114
- eShopOnAbp: SignalR error on k8s & docker-compose. Url re-write to https by @gterdem in #113
- Application remote service configuration error by @realLiangshiwei in #117
- Create dotnet.yml by @maliming in #119
- Product detail page by @malikmasis in #118
- eShopOnAbp:fix helm templates to use at local k8s and azure aks by @skoc10 in #116
- Updated password complexity by @malikmasis in #120
- Skoc10/fix azure values yaml by @skoc10 in #121
- fix ingress www by @skoc10 in #122
New Contributors
- @gokhansengun made their first contribution in #15
- @xyfy made their first contribution in #25
- @bnymncoskuner made their first contribution in #35
- @hikalkan made their first contribution in #37
- @afresh made their first contribution in #44
- @maliming made their first contribution in #58
- @realLiangshiwei made their first contribution in #117
Full Changelog: 0.1...1.0