This plugin, type: ipfs, extends the functionalities of Federated Wiki allowing to interface it with using
Specify connection data to a running IPFS instance on lib/config
npm install
grunt build
npm install
grunt build; grunt watch;
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Implement ipfs' cat method to obtain binary data from assets and embed it on the plugin's paragraph.
status: Implementing
Paste the hash of a resource stored on IPFS into a box of type Ipfs and the contents will be shown. Currently wiki-plugin-ipfs just cats the binary contents of the asset in the markup so HTML or plain text assets will be shown properly but other, such as images, videos, etc... would just spit out unreadable characters.
Implement ipfs' add method to push an asset from FedWiki ( optimally per drag-and-drop) into ipfs.
status: Planned
The idea is to allow the user to drag-and-drop a file (image, video, zip) into the Ipfs box and it will be added to Ipfs via the instance specified in