readings for review
- Math & Rendering
- 📖 Linear Math
- 📖 Real Time Rendering4
- 📖 Percentage-Closer Soft Shadows (
- 🔗 Ray Tracing in One Weekend Series
- 🔗 百人计划-渲染教程框架目录
- 🔗 百人计划-卡通角色渲染分享
- 📖 GAMES202: 高质量实时渲染)
- 🔗 百人计划-水体渲染
- 📖 Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation
- 📖 GPU Gem
- 🔗 efficient gaussian-blur with linear sampling
- 🔗 Importance Sampling PDFs (VNDF, Spherical Caps)
- 🔗 Unity 从DecalSystem创建PerObjectShadow
- 🎥 Automated Testing of Shader Code(GDC 2024)
- Graphics API
- Tool
- Repositories
- Rust
- Untiy,Shader
- Topics