TimeSprinter is a simple fullstack web-app that will help you organize your free time.
- Create personal account
- Create tasks
- Create activities
- Create teams, create projects, add new members and admins.
- View other people's profiles and stats
- Manage, delete, update and create entities
- Get and view all the data from the db
- Grant or revoke user's admin status
Api also has properly configured swagger at /api endpoint where you can test all the server features.
PORT = 3000 || any other port
JWT_SECRET = "your secret key"
JWT_REFRESH_SECRET = "your refresh token secret"
export const DatabaseConnectionConfiguration: DataSourceOptions = {
type: 'postgres',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
username: 'postgres',
password: 'admin',
database: 'timesprint_db',
entities: ['dist/**/*.entity{.ts,.js}'],
synchronize: true,
git clone https://github.com/akaeyuhi/TimeSprint
npm run installDependencies
npm run start
Open http://localhost:3000/ or other link you provide and enjoy.
npm run installDependencies
- install dependenciesnpm run build
- builds both client and servernpm run start:dev
- starts nest server in dev modenpm run start
- Builds server and client and starts in production mode
- Frontend - React.JS, Typescript, MUI, axios.
- Backend - NestJS, TypeORM.
- Database - PostgreSQL
This program is distributed under an MIT License.