This project is a practice initiative to learn the basics of DevOps concepts and tools. It involves building a monorepo-based microservice architecture, with each microservice developed using different frameworks. The auth-service microservice is implemented using NodeJS and MongoDB.
auth-service: A NodeJS-based microservice responsible for basic authentication. It uses MongoDB as the database.
- NodeJS
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Helm
- Jenkins
- SonarQube
- Git
- Kops (Kubernetes Operations)
1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd blogs-microservices
2. Install the dependencies
cd auth-service
npm install
3. Run tests locally
npm test
4. Run the application locally
npm start
5. Dockerize the application
docker build -t {docker-username}/auth-service .
6. Push the dockerized application
docker login
docker push {docker-username}/auth-service
7. Deploy to Kubernetes using Helm
Ensure you have Helm and Kubernetes configured, then deploy the service.
helm upgrade --install auth-service ./auth-service-helm --set image.repository={docker-username}/auth-service --set image.tag=latest
8. Deploy to Kubernetes using Kops
kops create cluster --name=${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME} --state=${K8S_STATE_STORE} --zones=us-west-2a --node-count=2 --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro --dns-zone=${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME}
kops update cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME} --yes --state=${K8S_STATE_STORE}
kops validate cluster --state=${K8S_STATE_STORE}
1. Fetch Code: Clones the repository from GitHub.
2. Install Dependencies: Installs NodeJS dependencies for the auth-service.
3. Run Tests: Executes tests for the auth-service.
4. SonarQube Analysis: Runs static code analysis using SonarQube.
5. Quality Gate: Checks the quality gate status from SonarQube.
6. Build Docker Image: Builds a Docker image for the auth-service.
7. Push Docker Image: Pushes the Docker image to Docker Hub.
8. Remove Unused Docker Image: Cleans up the Docker image locally.
9. Deploy to Kubernetes with Helm: Deploys the auth-service to a Kubernetes cluster using Helm.