With this provider you can manage Argo CD instances and clusters on Akuity Platform.
- Terraform >= 1.2
Add a new cluster test-cluster
to the existing Argo CD instance manualy-created
and install the agent to the configured cluster.
- Create an API key for your organization
- Use
role for the key
- Use
- Configure Environment variables
export AKUITY_API_KEY_ID=<key-id>
export AKUITY_API_KEY_SECRET=<key-secret>
- Use this or similar configuration:
terraform {
required_providers {
akp = {
source = "akuity/akp"
version = "~> 0.7.0"
provider "akp" {
org_name = "<organization-name>"
resource "akp_instance" "argocd" {
name = "argocd"
argocd = {
"spec" = {
"instance_spec" = {
"declarative_management_enabled" = true
"version" = "v2.11.4"
resource "akp_cluster" "example" {
instance_id = akp_instance.argocd.id
kube_config = {
"config_path" = "test.kubeconfig"
name = "test-cluster"
namespace = "test"
spec = {
data = {
size = "small"
See more examples in here.