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Eswatini Droughtmap Hub

Coverage Status DBdocs

Setup GeoNode Locally

  1. Clone and Install GeoNode You can either clone this default repository or use the GeoNode Project repository to generate a customized GeoNode.

    git clone
    cd geonode
  2. Set Up Local Environment Install the necessary dependencies (Docker is the recommended approach for ease of setup):

    docker-compose up -d
  3. Set Environment Variables Update your .env file or export the following environment variables:

    export GEONODE_BASE_URL="http://<your_ip_address>"
    export GEONODE_ADMIN_USERNAME="<your_admin_username_or_email>"
    export GEONODE_ADMIN_PASSWORD="<your_admin_password>"

    Replace <your_ip_address>, <your_admin_username_or_email>, and <your_admin_password> with your desired values.

  4. Access GeoNode Open GeoNode in your browser at http://<your_ip_address> and log in using the admin credentials.

  5. Add a New Dataset Category

    • Navigate to Admin PanelBaseMetadata Topic CategoriesAdd topic category.

    PATH URL: /[locale]/admin/base/topiccategory/add/

    • Fill in the details as follows:
      • Identifier: cdi-raster-map
      • Description [en]: CDI Raster Map
    • Save the category.

Configure Eswatini Droughtmap Hub

  1. Set Environment Variables In the Eswatini Droughtmap Hub project, update your environment variables file to include:

  2. Restart the Droughtmap Hub Restart the application to apply the updated environment variables.

Test the Setup

  1. Upload a Dataset to GeoNode

    • Log in to GeoNode as an admin.
    • Upload a raster (*.tif, *.tiff) dataset.
    • Set its category to cdi-raster-map.
  2. Verify in Eswatini Droughtmap Hub

    • Log in to the Droughtmap Hub as an admin.
    • Navigate to /publications.
    • If configured correctly, the list of datasets from GeoNode should appear, allowing you to start a new publication.
  3. Troubleshooting

    • If no datasets are visible:
      • Double-check the environment variable values in the Droughtmap Hub.
      • Verify that GeoNode is accessible and the dataset category is correctly assigned.
    • Open a new issue in the relevant repository if the problem persists.

Running check_overdue_reviews Command

The check_overdue_reviews command is used to check all CDI Map reviews in the system. If a review’s due date has passed, the system will automatically send email notifications to all related reviewers.

This ensures that no review is missed and all pending actions are properly tracked.

🔹 Example: Run Every Day at Midnight

0 0 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /backend/ check_overdue_reviews >> /home/user/logs/check_overdue_reviews.log 2>&1


  • Checks for overdue CDI Map reviews at midnight every day.
  • Sends email notifications to all reviewers whose reviews are overdue.
  • Logs the output to /home/user/logs/check_overdue_reviews.log.