Command line tool to extract review changes from a docx file as plain text. It is useful when reviewing a PDF file as docx, and you need to share the changes as plain text.
pip install docxreviews2txt
usage: docxreviews2txt [-h] [--version] docx
Command line tool to extract review changes from a docx file as plain text using HTML tags <ins> and <del>.
positional arguments:
docx input docx
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show version
$ docxreviews2txt tests/lorem_ipsum.docx
txt reviews at file:///home/alan/src/docxreviews2txt/tests/lorem_ipsum_review.txt
$ cat /home/alan/src/docxreviews2txt/tests/lorem_ipsum_review.txt
Typos suggestions using HTML tags <ins> and <del>:
- dolor sit amet, consectetur <ins>Lorem ipsum</ins><del>adipiscing</del>
- sit amet, consectetur adipiscing<ins>s</ins> elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim <ins>do</ins>
- Ut enim ad minim <ins>Lorem</ins>veniam<ins>ipsum</ins>
- dolor sit amet, consectetur <del>adipiscing</del>
The tool fails to capture changes in Docx files with text organized in tables (e.g., pdf2docx converts columns to tables).
This project takes inspiration from: