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Example of how to use the Alastria Identity Library

What it does

This is an example of how to interact with the libraries from alastria-identity-lib. The library alastria-identity-lib recovers the Smart Contracts from alastria-identity.

Important: You need to clone again this repository or update alastria-identity whenever a deploy of new smart contracts is made. You easily update your repo with:

# Being in the alastria-identity-example directory
cd node_modules/alastria-identity-lib/alastria-identity
git pull
cd ..
node src/configFile.js

Important: Remember that it is necessary to configure alastriaID-truffle-contracts in :./node_modules/alastria-identity-lib/dist/config.js with the correct SmartContracts addresses in the case of redT and redB. Examples for that configuration in current directory.

Folders of example

Folder What it does Wiki page
exampleCreateAlastriaID Contains an example of how to create an Alastria ID Wiki
exampleTokens Contains an example of how to interact with tokenFactory.ts functions Wiki
exampleCredentials Contains examples of how to add and get Credentials in AlastriaID Wiki
examplePresentations Contains examples of how to create, add and get Presentations in AlastriaID Wiki
exampleIdentityServiceProvider Contains an example of how to add and remove a Identity Service Provider Wiki
exampleIdentityIssuer Contains an example of how to add and remove a Identity Issuer Wiki
exampleFirstEntity Contains an example of how to create the first entity with the firstIdentity account Wiki
exampleEntities Contains an example of get list of entities and get entity information Wiki
exampleAuthentication It contains an example of how authentication is done Wiki
keystores Contains the mocked keystores that we used to create the identities with different roles. These roles are explained here

Environment requirements

This section specifies the environment requirements for the successful execution of the examples.

First of all, to avoid possible errors with node and npm, it is recommended that the installation is done through Nvm.

Once you have Nvm installed, all you need to do is install the required version of node with .

nvm install <version>

On the other hand, if any problem persists, it is recommended to clean the npm cache with the following command

npm cache clean -f

The list of Npm and Node versions that have worked for the different members of the core identity team are listed below.

Versions Does it work?
Node 14.19.0 && Npm 6.14.16 OK
Node 14.20 && Npm 6.14.17 OK
Node 14.20.1 && Npm 6.14.17 OK
Node 16.13.0 && Npm 8.15.0 OK
Node 16.13.2 && Npm 8.1.2 OK
Node 16.14 && Npm 8.3.1 OK
Node 18.19.0 && Npm 10.2.3 OK

Problems with the version of the library and the json-objects installed when running npm install

If you encounter problems with the version of the library and the json-objects that are installed after npm install, you need to perform the following steps to solve these problems:

  • Delete node_modules folder -> rm -rf node_modules
  • Delete the package-lock.json -> rm package-lock.json
  • Clean the cache -> npm cache clean -f
  • Install all dependencies -> npm install (from the root directory)

Following these steps then check that the version of the library and the json objects that have been installed are correct. To do this go to the node_modules -> alastria-identity-lib folder and look at the code inside, to check if it is the one you want. Perform the same checking operation for the json-object code node_modules -> alastria-identity-json-objects

How to use it

Then you can consume this library by running:

npm install

Now, you can use it from any JavaScript file in your working directory.

You can execute some of our examples by running:

cd example<FirstEntity, CreateAlastriaID, Credentials, Presentations, ...>

Then you can run the scripts in the correct order marked in each of the scripts

node x.<script>


This is valid only for the Alastria testnet environment. If you are working on another environment, you will need change some parameters in the configuration files:

  • Smart Contracts deployed addresses: found in node_modules/alastria-identity-lib/dist/config.js
  • NodeURL in configuration.json
  • Have in mind that the only entity that can execute the issuer scripts in the first run is the firstIdentity account. It has to be initialized, though, so you have to execute at least the three first scripts in the folder (exampleFirstEntity)[] before doing anything else.

This is not an extensive list, but a hint of what to look for in case there are errors related to account management in test environments.

Code linter and formatter

The project uses ESLint as Javascript linter and Prettier as code formatter

We strongly recommend using VSCode as code editor due to the plugins available to install, witch will make us work better and easier

The recommended plugins to use these tools are

The repository already has configuration files for both, so you won't have to configure anything after the plugins installation

How to use them?

  • ESLint: running npm run lint will show any linter errors. Some errors may be automatically fixed if the flag --fix is added to the script execution. Also, thanks to the ESLint plugin, VSCode will mark linter errors with red color and warnings with yellow color
  • Prettier: with a file open, cmd+shift+p (macOS) to open VSCode execution menu, write Format document with... and choose Prettier or configure your VSCode workspace to automatically use Prettier if you choose Format document: in your VSCode settings.json add
"[javascript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"[typescript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"

To automatically format Javascript and Typescript code

If you have installed some plugin that add keyboard shortcuts, like IntelliJ IDEA Keybindings ( you will be able to format documents with Prettier with shortcuts like cmd+alt+l


Contribution made by Inetum during 2024 in this document has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101084071. (Dome project