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Curated resources about Data Visualization, Drawing & Publishing in R

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Curated resources for Data Visualization, Drawing & Publishing in R.


Additional Plot Types

  • waffle - Make waffle (square pie) charts in R.
  • ggridges - Geoms to make ridgeline plots with ggplot2.
  • ggchicklet - Create Chicklet (Rounded Segmented Column) Charts.
  • ggdendro - Tools to extract dendrogram plot data for use with ggplot.
  • ggcorrplot - Visualization of a correlation matrix using ggplot2. [Tutorial]
  • corrgram - A simple way to create correlograms from raw data or a correlation matrix.
  • ggradar - Radar charts with ggplot2 .
  • ggparty - ggplot2 visualizations for the partykit package.
  • ggmosaic - Mosaicplots in the ggplot2 framework.
  • ggbeeswarm - Column scatter / beeswarm-style plots in ggplot2.
  • ggvoronoi - Easy Voronoi diagram heatmaps with ggplot2.
  • ggTimeSeries - Taking time series visualisations beyond line charts.
  • ggupset - Combination matrix axis for 'ggplot2' to create 'UpSet' plots.
  • UpSetR - An R implementation of the UpSet set visualization technique published by Lex, Gehlenborg, et al.
  • complex-upset - A library for creating complex UpSet plots with ggplot2 geoms.
  • patternplot - Versatile Pie Charts, Bar Charts and Box Plots using Patterns, Colors and Images. [Vignette]
  • ggstance - Horizontal ggplot2 components.
  • ggthreed - 3d geoms and stats for ggplot.
  • gggibbous - Moon charts, a pie chart alternative, for ggplot2.
  • ggweekly - Easy, printable, custom calendars and week planners.
  • gghdr - Tools for plotting highest density regions in the ggplot2.
  • ggpointdensity - Cross Between a Scatter Plot and a 2D Density Plot.
  • ggstraw - geom_straw for ggplot2.
  • ggVennDiagram - A 'ggplot2' implement of Venn Diagram.
  • ggblur - Blurry Point Geom for ggplot2.
  • ggbump - A geom for ggplot to create bump plots.
  • marginsplot - plot marginal effects and predicted values using the margins and ggplot2.
  • ggimg - The Missing Image Primative for ggplot2.
  • ggpattern - ggplot geoms with pattern fills.
  • ggfreehand - Add freehand circles to ggplot2 graphs.
  • ganttrify - Create beautiful Gantt charts with ggplot2.


  • ggthemr - Themes for ggplot2.
  • ggthemes - Additional themes, scales, and geoms for ggplot2.
  • ggpomological - Pomological plot theme for ggplot2 .
  • ggtech - ggplot2 tech themes, scales, and geoms .
  • hrbrthemes - Opinionated, typographic-centric ggplot2 themes and theme components.
  • vapoRwave - Vaporwave themes and color palettes for ggplot2.
  • tvthemes - ggplot2 themes and palettes based on your favorite TV shows.
  • Rokemon - Pokemon themed R package.
  • visibly - Functions related to R visualizations.
  • xkcd - Graphs using the XKCD style (a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language). [Tutorial]
  • ggrough - Convert ggplot2 chart to roughjs.
  • ggCorpIdent - A package for ggplot2 graphics in corporate design with custom fonts, colors and logo. [Tutorial]

Palettes 🎨

  • paletteer - Collection of most color palettes in a single R package.
  • randomcoloR - An R package for generating attractive and distinctive colors.
  • fishualize - Color scales based on nature’s most stunning and colorful organisms: teleost fishes.
  • harrypotter - A Harry Potter inspired palette for R.
  • wesanderson - A Wes Anderson color palette for R.
  • nationalparkcolors - R package for color themes inspired by national parks.
  • dutchmasters - Colour palettes derived from famous paintings by 17th century Dutch masters.
  • pals - Color Palettes and Palette Evaluation Tools.
  • jcolors - A set of color palettes I like (or can at least tolerate).
  • shades - Simple colour manipulation in R. [Tutorial]
  • colorspace - A toolbox for manipulating and assessing colors and palettes.
  • tinter - Get tints and shades (and both) of a colour.
  • colormind - Generate Color Palettes With AI (using palette generator).
  • farver - High Performance Colourspace Manipulation in R.
  • tricolore - A flexible color scale for ternary compositions.


  • ggparliament - Simple parliament plots using ggplot2.
  • ggsoccer - Plot soccer event data in R/ggplot2.
  • soccermatics - Tools for visualisation and analysis of soccer tracking and event data.
  • gganatogram - Create anatograms using ggplot2.
  • rchess - Chess package for R.
  • brickr - 3D LEGO models and mosaics from images using R and tidyverse.
  • desplot - Functions for plotting experimental designs of field trials in agriculture.
  • kinship2 - Pedigree creation, plotting, and analytics. [Vignette]
  • GeomMLBStadiums - Geoms to draw MLB stadiums in ggplot2.
  • ggpacman - A ggplot2 and gganimate Version of Pac-Man.


  • ggtext - Improved text rendering support for ggplot2.
  • wordcloud2 - R interface to wordcloud for data visualization.
  • ggrepel - Repel overlapping text labels away from each other.
  • shadowtext - Shadow Text Grob and Layer. [Vignette]


  • gganimate - A Grammar of Animated Graphics.
  • animation - A gallery of animations in statistics and utilities to create animations.
  • tweenr - A package for interpolating data, mainly for animations.
  • transformr - Smooth Polygon Transformations.


  • Cairo - Graphics device using cairographics library for creating bitmap images or output.
  • devout - Write R graphics output devices in plain R.
  • devoutsvg - Bespoke SVG graphics output device with pattern fill support.
  • devoutpdf - A hand-crafted PDF graphics output device written in plain R.
  • devoutaudio - An R graphics device which renders to audio.
  • devoid - A Graphic Device That Does Nothing (suitable for benchmarking functions).


  • ggpmisc - Miscellaneous Extensions to ggplot2.
  • ggExtra - Marginal histograms to ggplot2, and more ggplot2 enhancements.
  • ggreverse - Reverse a ggplot object back into code.
  • datalegreyar - The typeface that melts text and data visualisation for R markdown.
  • dbplot - Simplifies plotting of database and sparklyr data.
  • ggalt - Extra Coordinate Systems, Geoms, Statistical Transformations & Scales for 'ggplot2'.
  • ggpubr - 'ggplot2' Based Publication Ready Plots.
  • patchwork - The Composer of ggplots.
  • ggally - R package that extends ggplot2. [Tutorial]
  • ggforce - Accelerating ggplot2. [Tutorial 1] [Tutorial 2]
  • gghighlight - Highlight points and lines in ggplot2.
  • ggnomics - A small project to add ggplot2 extensions.
  • facetscales - facet_grid with different scales per facet.
  • ggflags - flag geom for ggplot2.
  • ggecho - ggplot2 stat for echoing data.
  • ggfx - Filters and Shaders for 'ggplot2'.

Interactive plots

  • plotly - An interactive graphing library for R.
  • rbokeh - R interface to Bokeh.
  • ggiraph - Make 'ggplot' graphics interactive.
  • highcharter - R wrapper for highcharts based on htmlwidgets.
  • dygraphs - R interface to dygraphs.
  • rCharts - Interactive JS Charts from R.
  • billboarder - R Htmlwidget for billboard.js.
  • scatterD3 - R scatter plot htmlwidget based on D3.js.
  • trelliscopejs - TrelliscopeJS R Package.
  • googleVis - Interface between R and the Google Chart Tools.

Network Visualization

  • geomnet - Network Visualization in the ggplot2 Framework.
  • graphlayouts - New layout algorithms for network visualizations in R.
  • visNetwork - R package, using vis.js library for network visualization.
  • ggraph - Grammar of Graph Graphics.
  • ggdag - An R package for working with causal directed acyclic graphs (DAGs).

Spatial Visualization

  • ggmap - A package for plotting maps in R with ggplot2.
  • tmap - R package for thematic maps.
  • leaflet - R Interface to Leaflet Maps.
  • globe4r - Interactive globe visualisations.
  • urbnmapr - State and county maps with Alaska and Hawaii.
  • cartography - Thematic Cartography. [Vignette]
  • mapextrud - Build Extruded Maps in R.


  • formattable - Formattable Data Structures.
  • kableExtra - Construct Complex Table with knitr::kable() + pipe.
  • gt - Easily generate information-rich, publication-quality tables from R.
  • DT - R Interface to the jQuery Plug-in DataTables.


  • blogdown - Create Blogs and Websites with R Markdown.
  • bookdown - Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown.
  • posterdown - Use RMarkdown to generate PDF Conference Posters via HTML.

Drawing & Rendering

  • magick - Advanced Image-Processing in R. [Tutorial]
  • bunny - Useful helper functions for working with magick.
  • threed - Three-Dimensional Object Transformations.
  • svgpatternusgs - SVG patterns from the U.S. Geological Survey for use within R.
  • ggtextures - Drawing textured rectangles and bars with ggplot.
  • rayshader - R Package for 2D and 3D mapping and data visualization.
  • rayrender - A raytracer for R. Based on Peter Shirley's "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" book series.
  • rayfocus - Add depth of field to images.
  • rayshaderanimate - Animate GPX data on a 3D map.


  • lattice - High-level data visualization system inspired by Trellis graphics,.
  • latticeExtra - Extensions for lattice package.




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Curated resources about Data Visualization, Drawing & Publishing in R






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