Folder of the project of Online Learning Applications (OLA) at Polimi
Please refer to the file OnlineLearningApplications_Report.pdf
Clone this repo
Open the repository folder
Create a Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv ./venv
Activate it
source venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 <task_number> <options>
3 -> to execute task 3
UCB -> to use UCB as MAB
TS -> to use Thompson Sampling as MAB
4 -> to execute task 4
UCB -> to use UCB as MAB
TS -> to use Thompson Sampling as MAB
5 -> to execute task 5
ALL -> to execute it with known alpha functions
UCB -> to use UCB as MAB
TS -> to use Thompson Sampling as MAB
6 -> to execute task 6
sliding_window -> to use sliding window approach
change_detection -> to use change detection approch and discard 1 arm
change_detection_discard_all -> to use change detection approach and discard all arms
7 -> to execute task 7
Alessandrini Luca
Fabris Matteo
Portanti Mattia
Portanti Samuele
Venturini Luca