A simple key-value database implementation from scratch in Rust under 300 lines of code.
More specifically, it is a reimplemation in Rust of the didactic database CaskDB which is itself inspired by Bitcask.
- Key/Value data model
- Embedded (use as a library, no client/server)
- Disk-based persistence
- No runtime dependencies
- Keys and values are limited to UTF-8 encoded strings
- No delete operation
- No range queries
- No concurrency controls
- Memory usage might be high with a lot of keys
- Startup time might be slow because we need to load all keys from disk to memory
use mydb::{MyDB, Result};
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let filename = "data.db";
let mut db = MyDB::new(filename)?;
db.set("hello", "world")?;
assert_eq!(db.get("hello")?, Some("world".to_string()));
assert_eq!(db.get("nokey")?, None);
Run tests:
cargo test
Build for release:
cargo build --release