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A tiny library(only one file) for printing, debugging and logging in C/C++.


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Nov 7, 2019
0a98c42 · Nov 7, 2019


13 Commits
Aug 12, 2019
Aug 12, 2019
Oct 6, 2019
Nov 7, 2019
Nov 7, 2019
Aug 12, 2019
Oct 6, 2019
Oct 6, 2019

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  __                                          __                                       
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 |  |____  _______ __   __  _|  |_   ____    |  |      ______   ______                  
 |   __  \ |  ___/ | | | | /_    _\ / __  \  |  |     /  __  \ /  __  \                 
 |  |__|  || |     | |_| |   |  |_ |  ____/  |  |____ | |__| | | |__| |                 
 |_______/ |_|     \_____/   |___/  \____/   |______/ \______/ \____  |                 


  • A tiny tool for printing, debugging and logging in C/C++.

  • Only works on linux system with GCC compiler.

  • No functions or global variables. Only macros in one header file.

  • It's brute and crude, so, really fast...




#include "brute-log.h"

class Sample
    bool test()
        BRUTE_INFO("This is info message: %s", "string");
        BRUTE_WARN("This is warn message: %c++", 'C');
        BRUTE_ERROR("This is error message: %f", 0.618);
        BRUTE_FATAL("This is fatal message: %p", this);

        // If -DBRUTE_NDEBUG, this level won't be printed.
        BRUTE_DEBUG("This is debug message: %d %d", 123, 456);

        // If I want a new level named "Lucky" ...
        BRUTE_LOG(LUCKY, "This is my custom level message: %s", "^_^");
        BRUTE_LOG(Hello Kitty, "{ %s#%d %s } also custom", BRUTE_SRC_POS);

        BRUTE_LF();  // print empty line

        // Each level has 7 diffrent formats to choose...
        BRUTE_DEBUG_V0("V0 means only level information...");
        BRUTE_DEBUG_V1("V1 means also output function's name");
        BRUTE_DEBUG_V2("V2 means output function's name and date-time");
        BRUTE_DEBUG_V3("V3 means output more details than V2");
        BRUTE_DEBUG_V4("V4 means output much more details than V2");
        BRUTE_DEBUG_V5("V5 means output most details, but looks too long!!!");

        FILE* logfile = fopen("mylog.txt", "w");

        #pragma push_macro("BRUTE_OSTREAM")
        #define BRUTE_OSTREAM logfile
        BRUTE_WARN("I'm redirected into %s %p", "mylog.txt", logfile);

        BRUTE_CLOSE();  // Close logging, all output will be ignored
        BRUTE_INFO("This will not be written into mylog.txt!!!");

        #pragma pop_macro("BRUTE_OSTREAM")
        BRUTE_INFO("I'm redirected to stderr again");

        // And other debug tools, like print every "interval" steps:
        for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; ++i) {
            BRUTE_PROGRESS_RATE(i, 10000, 1500, "rest: %d", 10000-i);

        int* data = 0;
        // This macro check null pointer. If null, print error message and return,
        // the second arg also can be: BRUTE_CHECK_PTR(data, foo(), bar(), blah; blah; blah);
        BRUTE_CHECK_PTR(data, return false);

        // Won't reach here...
        return true;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    bool ret = Sample().test();

    /** Like BRUTE_CHECK_PTR, but this one accept non-pointer arguments.
     *  This macro equals to these codes:
     *  if (ret != true) {
     *      // Can append more codes here ...
     *      fputs("[2012-12-12 12:12:12] [ERROR] [] [main()] Assertion: `ret == true` failed!\n", stderr);
     *      fputs("ret is not true!!\n", stderr);
     *      // ......
     *  } else {
     *      // ......
     *  }
    BRUTE_ASSERT((ret == true), BRUTE_INFO("ret is not true!"););

    BRUTE_EXIT("Test exit\n");


[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908561] [INFO] This is info message: string
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908691] [WARN] This is warn message: C++
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908699] [ERROR] This is error message: 0.618000
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908717] [FATAL] This is fatal message: 0x7fff90e18110
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908725] [DEBUG] This is debug message: 123 456
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908732] [LUCKY] This is my custom level message: ^_^
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908740] [Hello Kitty] { test } also custom

[DEBUG] V0 means only level information...
[DEBUG] [test] V1 means also output function's name
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908757] [DEBUG] [test] V2 means output function's name and date-time
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908765] [DEBUG] [bool Sample::test()] V3 means output more details than V2
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908772] [DEBUG] [] [test] V4 means output much more details than V2
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908778] [DEBUG] [] [bool Sample::test()] V5 means output most details, but looks too long!!!
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.908897] [INFO] I'm redirected to stderr again
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.910087] [INFO] [test] 1500/10000 15.00% rest: 8500
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.911275] [INFO] [test] 3000/10000 30.00% rest: 7000
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.913020] [INFO] [test] 4500/10000 45.00% rest: 5500
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.914771] [INFO] [test] 6000/10000 60.00% rest: 4000
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.916482] [INFO] [test] 7500/10000 75.00% rest: 2500
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.917711] [INFO] [test] 9000/10000 90.00% rest: 1000
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.918534] [INFO] [test] 10000/10000 100.00% rest: 0
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.918539] [ERROR] [] [test] Arg `data` is null or zero!
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.918546] [ERROR] [] [main] Assertion: `(ret == true)` failed!
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.918554] [INFO] ret is not true!
[2019-08-20 19:48:04.918562] [EXIT] Test exit
cat mylog.txt 
[2019-08-17 19:32:56.523452] [WARN]  I'm redirected into mylog.txt 0xe22090


A tiny library(only one file) for printing, debugging and logging in C/C++.








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