A couple of projects to get familiar with the React framework.
- todo: Basic todo app to get started.
- tictactoe: A tic-tac-toe game uses states and props.
- markdown-editor: A real-time markdown editor SPA. (Live Demo)
- basic-react-redux: Basic react-redux project which handles articles in its store.
- basic-redux-thunk: Basic react-redux-thunk project which handles items from an API using thunk, uses redux for store.
- book-store [WIP]: Online book store built over react-redux and Bootstrap for UI.
- trip-mate: Manage and keep track of your trips with this simple, smooth webapp. Uses react-router, custom styling. (Live Demo)
- property-finder: Search for and list properties. Built on React-Native, uses react-navigation.
- todo-pwa: The classic Todos Tracker as a Progressive Web App. Built using React, Redux, leveraging styled-components, PaperCSS, Service Worker tools. Data is retained using localStorage (Live Demo)
- gatsbyjs-markdown-blog: GatsbyJS blog which fetches markdown blog posts, lists them and displays each post wrapped up as a static site. Based on the tutorials in the official docs, uses GraphQL, Typography.js, Remark plugin, Glamor.
- reddit-clone: react-redux-thunk project that calls the RedditAPI to fetch posts from selected subreddits. (Live Demo)
Projects such as create-react-app, nwb and react-slingshot have been used to setup development envs.
Install all the required packages/dependencies using yarn
Serve the app to browser