This is a demo of:
- Knative Event Mesh Backstage plugin: Showing Knative Eventing resources in Backstage
- Knative Function templates: Generating Knative Function code in Backstage
A video of the demo is available at
See quickstart for using a pre-built container image for this demo.
Install Knative Eventing and Serving:
Create broker, services and other resources:
kubectl apply -f ./100-manifest/100-broker.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./100-manifest/151-paymentreceived-event-type.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./100-manifest/152-paymentprocessed-event-type.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./100-manifest/153-frauddetected-event-type.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./100-manifest/200-payment-processor.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./100-manifest/210-fraud-detector.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./100-manifest/220-fraud-logger.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./100-manifest/280-all-events-logger.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./100-manifest/290-payment-event-generator.yaml
Install the Backstage plugin backend:
# points to
# find from;tab=objects?pageState=(%22StorageObjectListTable%22:(%22f%22:%22%255B%255D%22,%22s%22:%5B(%22i%22:%22displayName%22,%22s%22:%221%22)%5D))&authuser=0&prefix=&forceOnObjectsSortingFiltering=true
kubectl apply -f
You need a service account that you will give to the Backstage backend. This will be passed in every request to the backend from the plugin and it will be used to access the Kubernetes API:
# 1. create a new service account in your namespace
kubectl -n default create serviceaccount backstage-admin
# 2. create a clusterrolebinding
kubectl create clusterrolebinding backstage-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:backstage-admin
# 3. create a secret for the service account
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: backstage-admin
namespace: default
annotations: backstage-admin
Set up some environment variables:
export KUBE_API_SERVER_URL=$(kubectl config view --minify --output jsonpath="{.clusters[*].cluster.server}") # e.g. ""
# get the SA token
export KUBE_SA_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n default get secret backstage-admin -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)
# run a sanity check with the token
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $KUBE_SA_TOKEN" -X GET "${KUBE_API_SERVER_URL}/api/v1/nodes" | json_pp
Port-forward the backend service:
kubectl port-forward -n knative-eventing svc/eventmesh-backend 8080:8080
Run a sanity check:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $KUBE_SA_TOKEN" http://localhost:8080/
> {"eventTypes":[...],"brokers":[...]}
Set up more environment variables:
export KNATIVE_EVENT_MESH_BACKEND="http://localhost:8080"
For the templates, you will need a GitHub token to be able to push the generated code to a repository.
You can create a token from the GitHub settings page and give it the repo
Alternatively, for local development, you can use a personal token created by the gh
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-token>
# or
export GITHUB_TOKEN=$(gh auth token)
Start Backstage:
cd backstage
yarn install
yarn dev
# open http://localhost:3000/
kubectl delete -f ./100-manifest/290-payment-event-generator.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./100-manifest/280-all-events-logger.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./100-manifest/220-fraud-logger.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./100-manifest/210-fraud-detector.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./100-manifest/200-payment-processor.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./100-manifest/153-frauddetected-event-type.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./100-manifest/152-paymentprocessed-event-type.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./100-manifest/151-paymentreceived-event-type.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./100-manifest/100-broker.yaml
- Resources for various cases:
- Random service that's not connected to anything
There are 2 images:
- event-generator: A simple app that generates events and sends them to a sink (for instance, to a broker).
- generic-service: A simple app that receives events and logs them. It can also send a reply event (optional).
# go to the app directory
cd apps/event-generator
# install dependencies
npm install
# run locally
K_SINK="" node index.js
# Output
> Sending event: {"id":"d33cc086-bb7a-4e8d-a90e-d11789a35e6d","time":"2024-02-02T10:49:08.053Z","type":"com.example.event","source":"event-generator","specversion":"1.0","data":{"message":"Hello 1"}} to
# build docker image
docker build . -t aliok/event-generator --platform=linux/amd64
# run docker image locally
docker run --name=test-event-generator --detach=false --rm --env K_SINK="" aliok/event-generator:latest
# publish
docker push aliok/event-generator
# go to the app directory
cd apps/generic-service
# install dependencies
npm install
# run locally
REPLY_TYPE="test-reply" REPLY_PERCENTAGE="50" node index.js
# Send a test event
curl -i 'http://localhost:8080/' \
-H 'ce-time: 2023-09-26T12:35:14.372688+00:00' \
-H 'ce-type: com.mycompany.paymentreceived' \
-H 'ce-source: test' \
-H 'ce-id: a9254f41-4d32-45d2-8293-e90d96876de1' \
-H 'ce-specversion: 1.0' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'accept-encoding: gzip, deflate' \
-H 'content-type: ' \
-d $'{"foo": "bar"}'
# Output (reply)
# See the logs
Request headers:
host: 'localhost:8080',
'user-agent': 'curl/8.4.0',
'ce-time': '2023-09-26T12:35:14.372688+00:00',
'ce-type': 'com.mycompany.paymentreceived',
'ce-source': 'test',
'ce-id': 'a9254f41-4d32-45d2-8293-e90d96876de1',
'ce-specversion': '1.0',
accept: '*/*',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
'content-length': '14'
Request body - to string:
{"foo": "bar"}
Received event:
# build docker image
docker build . -t aliok/generic-service --platform=linux/amd64
# run docker image locally
docker run --name=test-generic-service --detach=false --rm -p 8080:8080 -e REPLY_TYPE="test-reply" aliok/generic-service:latest
# publish
docker push aliok/generic-service
See quickstart for using a pre-built container image for this demo.
docker build . -f quickstart/Dockerfile -t aliok/knative-backstage-demo --platform=linux/amd64
docker push aliok/knative-backstage-demo