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If you are not familiar with Resource Orchestration Service (ROS), please read What is ROS. If you are not familiar with the ROS template syntax, please refer to the Getting started with templates.
Welcome to experience ROS through the ROS Console, API, SDK, CDK.
Examples and best practices of ROS templates. The templates are categorized as follows:
: Resource-level template examples that provide templates for single services or resources.examples
: Comprehensive template examples that provide templates for simple scenarios. The template contents are the same as the ROS Console Sample Templates.solutions
: Solutions that provide template best practices for complex scenarios. The templates are the same as those in the ROS Console Solution Center.transform
: Templates based on Transform syntax, offering simplified templates for specific scenarios.documents
:The templates involved in the Alibaba Cloud documents.compute-nest-best-practice
: Best practice templates for Compute Nest, providing templates for basic and advanced Compute Nest scenarios.
Template | Description |
acm/configuration.yml | ACM Namespace/Configuration resource example. |
actiontrail/trail-logging.yml | ACTIONTRAIL Trail/TrailLogging resource example. |
apigateway/api.yml | ApiGateway Api/Group/App/Deployment/Authorization/Signature/SignatureBinding/TrafficControl/TrafficControlBinding/ resource example. |
apigateway/custom-domain.yml | ApiGateway CustomDomain resource example. |
apigateway/instance.yml | ApiGateway Instance resource example. |
apigateway/stage-config.yml | ApiGateway StageConfig resource example. |
apigateway/vpc-access-config.yml | ApiGateway VpcAccessConfig resource example. |
arms/alert-contact-group.yml | ARMS AlertContact/AlertContactGroup resource example. |
arms/retcode-app.yml | ARMS RetcodeApp resource example. |
asm/service-mesh.yml | ASM ServiceMesh resource example. |
bss/wait-order.yml | BSS WaitOrder resource example. |
cas/certificate.yml | CAS Certificate resource example. |
cdn/domain.yml | CDN Domain/DomainConfig resource example. |
cen/cen.yml | CEN resource example. |
cms/contact.yml | CMS Contact/ContactGroup/DynamicTagGroup resource example. |
cms/event-rule-targets.yml | CMS EventRuleTargets resource example. |
cms/event-rule.yml | CMS EventRule resource example. |
cms/group-metric-rule.yml | CMS GroupMetricRule/MetricRuleTargets resource example. |
cms/metric-rule-template.yml | CMS MetricRuleTemplate resource example. |
cms/monitor-group.yml | CMS MonitorGroup/MonitorGroupInstances resource example. |
cms/monitoring-agent-process.yml | CMS MonitoringAgentProcess resource example. |
cms/site-monitor.yml | CMS SiteMonitor resource example. |
config/config.yml | Config Rule resource example. |
cr/instance-endpoint-acl-policy.yml | CR InstanceEndpointAclPolicy resource example. |
cr/namespace.yml | CR NameSpace resource example. |
cr/repository.yml | CR Repository resource example. |
cs/any-cluster.yml | CS AnyCluster resource example. |
cs/kubernetes-cluster.yml | CS KubernetesCluster resource example. |
cs/managed-edge-kubernetes-cluster.yml | CS ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster resource example. |
cs/managed-kubernetes-cluster.yml | CS ManagedKubernetesCluster resource example. |
cs/serverless-kubernetes-cluster.yml | CS ServerlessKubernetesCluster resource example. |
datahub/topic.yml | DataHub Project/Topic resource example. |
dns/domain-record.yml | DNS DomainRecord resource example. |
dns/domain.yml | DNS Domain/DomainGroup resource example. |
drds/drds-instance.yml | DrdsInstance resource example. |
dts/consumer-group.yml | DTS SubscriptionInstance resource example. |
dts/dts.yml | DTS MigrationJob/SynchronizationJob resource example. |
dts/subscription-instance.yml | DTS SubscriptionInstance/ConsumerGroup resource example. |
eci/container-group.yml | ECI ContainerGroup resource example. |
eci/image-cache.yml | ECI ImageCache resource example. |
ecs/assign-private-ip-addresses.yml | ECS AssignPrivateIpAddresses resource example. |
ecs/auto-snapshot-policy.yml | ECS AutoSnapshotPolicy resource example. |
ecs/custom-image.yml | ECS CustomImage/CopyImage resource example. |
ecs/dedicated-host.yml | ECS DedicatedHost resource example. |
ecs/deployment-set.yml | ECS DeploymentSet resource example. |
ecs/disk-attachment.yml | ECS DiskAttachment/Snapshot resource example. |
ecs/disk.yml | ECS Disk resource example. |
ecs/forward-entry.yml | ECS ForwardEntry resource example. |
ecs/hpc-cluster.yml | ECS HpcCluster resource example. |
ecs/instance-clone.yml | ECS Instance Clone resource example. |
ecs/instance-group.yml | ECS InstanceGroup/InstanceGroupClone/Command/Invocation resource example. |
ecs/instance.yml | ECS instance/EIP/NatGateway/SSHKeyPair resource example. |
ecs/join-security-group.yml | ECS JoinSecurityGroup resource example. |
ecs/launch-template.yml | ECS LaunchTemplate/AutoProvisioningGroup resource example. |
ecs/nat-gateway.yml | ECS NatGateway/BandwidthPackage resource example. |
ecs/network-interface-attachment.yml | ECS NetworkInterface/NetworkInterfaceAttachment resource example. |
ecs/prepay-instance.yml | ECS PrepayInstance resource example. |
ecs/route.yml | ECS Route/AssignIpv6Addresses resource example. |
ecs/run-command.yml | ECS RunCommand resource example. |
ecs/snat-entry.yml | ECS SecurityGroupIngress resource example. |
ecs/security-group-clone.yml | ECS SecurityGroupClone resource example. |
ecs/security-group-egress.yml | ECS SecurityGroupEgress resource example. |
ecs/security-group-ingress.yml | ECS SecurityGroupIngress resource example. |
edas/cluster-member.yml | EDAS ClusterMember resource example. |
edas/cluster.yml | EDAS Cluster/App/DeployGroup resource example. |
ehpc/cluster.yml | EHPC Cluster resource example. |
elasticsearch/instance.yml | ElasticSearch Instance resource example. |
emr/cluster.yml | EMR Cluster resource example. |
ess/scaling-group-enable.yml | ESS ScalingConfiguration/ScalingGroupEnable resource example. |
ess/scaling-group.yml | ESS ScalingGroup/ScalingRule/AlarmTask/AlarmTaskEnable/LifecycleHook/ScheduledTask resource example. |
fc/custom-domain.yml | FC CustomDomain resource example. |
fc/function-invoker.yml | FC FunctionInvoker/Trigger/Version/Alias/ProvisionConfig resource example. |
fnf/flow.yml | FNF Flow/Schedule resource example. |
ga/ga-ipv6.yml | GA Accelerator/ BandwidthPackage/IpSets/Listener/EndpointGroup/BandwidthPackageAcceleratorAddition resource example. |
gws/cluster.yml | GWS Cluster/Instance resource example. |
iot/device-group.yml | IOT DeviceGroup resource example. |
iot/device.yml | IOT Product/Device resource example. |
iot/rule.yml | IOT Rule/RuleAction resource example. |
kafka/instance.yml | Kafka Instance/Topic resource example. |
kms/key.yml | KMS Key/Alias resource example. |
kms/secret.yml | KMS Secret resource example. |
marketplace/order.yml | MarketPlace Order resource example. |
memcache/instance.yml | Memcache Instance/WhiteList resource example. |
mns/subscription.yml | MNS Queue/Topic/Subscription resource example. |
mongodb/mongodb-instance.yml | MONGODB Instance resource example. |
mongodb/serverless-instance.yml | MONGODB ServerlessInstance resource example. |
mongodb/sharding-instance.yml | MONGODB ShardingInstance resource example. |
mse/cluster.yml | MSE Cluster resource example. |
nas/nas.yml | NAS AccessGroupName/AccessRule/FileSystem/MountTarget resource example. |
oos/oos.yml | OOS Template/Execution resource example. |
oos/parameter.yml | OOS Parameter resource example. |
oss/bucket.yml | OSS Bucket resource example. |
ots/ots.yml | OTS Table/Instance/VpcBinder resource example. |
polardb/polardb.yml | POLARDB DBCluster/Account/DBInstance/DBNodes/AccountPrivilege/DBClusterAccessWhiteList/DBClusterEndpointAddress resource example. |
privatelink/vpc-endpoint.yml | PrivateLink VpcEndpointService/VpcEndpoint resource example. |
pvtz/pvtz.yml | PVTZ Zone/ZoneRecord/ZoneVpcBinder resource example. |
ram/access-key.yml | RAM User/AccessKey resource example. |
ram/attach-policy-to-role.yml | RAM Role/AttachPolicyToRole resource example. |
ram/managed-policy.yml | RAM ManagedPolicy resource example. |
ram/role.yml | RAM Role resource example. |
ram/saml-provider.yml | RAM SAMLProvider resource example. |
ram/user.yml | RAM User/Group/AttachPolicyToUser/UserToGroupAddition resource example. |
rds/db-instance.yml | RDS DBInstance/Account/AccountPrivilege resource example. |
rds/prepay-db-instance.yml | RDS PrepayDBInstance resource example. |
redis/instance.yml | Redis Instance/Whitelist and Account resource example. |
redis/prepay-instance.yml | Redis PrepayInstance resource example. |
resourcemaneger/handshake.yml | ResourceManager Handshake resource example. |
resourcemaneger/resource-group.yml | ResourceManager ResourceGroup resource example. |
rocketmq/rocketmq.yml | ROCKETMQ Instance/Topic resource example. |
ros/auto-enable-service.yml | ROS AutoEnableService resource example. |
ros/custom-resource.yml | ROS Custom resource example. |
ros/stack.yml | ROS Nested Stack resource example. |
ros/wait-condition-handle.yml | ROS WaitConditionHandle resource example. |
ros/wait-condition.yml | ROS WaitCondition/WaitConditionHandle resource example. |
sae/sae.yml | SAE Application/Namespace/SlbBinding resource example. |
sag/acl.yml | SAG ACL/ACLRule/ACLAssociation resource example. |
slb/access-control.yml | SLB AccessControl resource example. |
slb/backend-server-attachment.yml | SLB LoadBalancer/MasterSlaveServerGroup/BackendServerAttachment resource example. |
slb/listener.yml | SLB LoadBalancer/Listener/LoadBalancerClone/Certificate/DomainExtension/VServerGroup/Rule resource example. |
sls/sls.yml | SLS Project/Logstore/Alert/Index/SavedSearch/LogtailConfig/MachineGroup/ApplyConfigToMachineGroup/ApiGatewayLogConfig resource example. |
tsdb/hi-tsdb-instance.yml | TSDB HiTSDBInstance resource example. |
vpc/anycast-eip.yml | VPC AnycastEIP/AnycastEIPAssociation resource example. |
vpc/eip-association.yml | VPC EIP/EIPAssociation resource example. |
vpc/eip-segment.yml | VPC EIPSegment resource example. |
vpc/eip.yml | VPC EIP resource example. |
vpc/nat-gateway.yml | VPC NatGateway resource example. |
vpc/network-acl.yml | VPC NetworkAcl/NetworkAclAssociation resource example. |
vpc/route-table.yml | Vpc RouteTable resource example. |
vpc/router-interface-update.yml | Vpc RouterInterface resource example. |
vpc/router-interface.yml | Vpc RouterInterface resource example. |
vpc/snat-entry.yml | VPC NatGateway/Ipv6Gateway/Ipv6InternetBandwidth/EIP/EIPAssociation/SnatEntry/CommonBandwidthPackage/CommonBandwidthPackageIp resource example. |
waf/domain-config.yml | Waf DomainConfig/AclRule/WafSwitch resource example. |
waf/domain.yml | Waf Domain resource example. |
waf/instance.yml | WAF Instance resource example. |
Template | Description |
ai/ecs-instance-chat-tts.yml | Build text-to-speech system ChatTTS on the ECS instance (Ubuntu 22.04). |
ai/ecs-instance-dify.yml | Build the large language model (LLM) application development platform Dify on the ECS instance (CentOS 7). |
application/ecs-clone-join-sls.yml | Clone the ECS instance, direct the IP to the new machine group created in the Log Service, and apply the specified rules. |
application/ecs-group-join-cms.yml | Manually deploy the LNMP environment (CentOS 7) and configure CMS alarm items and alarm contacts. |
application/ecs-group-join-sls.yml | Create a set of ECS instance, and consider it as the machine group of the related project logtail in Log Service. |
application/ecs-instance-group-join-sls.yml | Create a group of ECS and use it as the logtail machine group of the related project in the specified SLS. |
csapps/existing-vpc-docker-cluster-etcd.yml | Installing the deployment cluster version of the Etcd service (static discovery from node mode) under centos7, Etcd is a key-value storage component for service registration and discovery, which internally uses the raft protocol as a consistency algorithm to ensure data consistency, Once the cluster is installed, use the etcdctl command line to operate the management cluster in the cloud server. |
csapps/existing-vpc-docker-cluster-harbor.yml | Use docker container to install and deploy the cluster service of harbor (1.9.3). Harbor is an enterprise level private container image management service. Harbor provides the features of user management, access control, activity audit, etc, In this deployment, NFS is used as the shared storage (/data directory) to store the related image data of harbor, and PostgreSQL and redis are separated for the common connection of multiple harbors. SLB is used to make the cluster load balanced and highly available, and the SLB is bound to the public IP to provide external services. |
csapps/existing-vpc-docker-cluster-rancher.yml | Using three Alibaba cloud server ECS to implement Rancher high-availability cluster installation, install Rancher in Kubernetes cluster and use DNS domain name resolution binding SLB four-tier load balancing external service, external access to the security group to add 80,443 access rules, Rancher is an open source enterprise-class multi-cluster Kubernetes management platform, the kubernetes cluster in the hybrid cloud plus Central deployment and management of on-premises data centers to ensure cluster security and accelerate enterprise digital transformation. |
csapps/existing-vpc-docker-single-etcd.yml | A single node installs and deploys etcd service under centos7. Etcd is a key value storage component used for service registration and discovery. The raft protocol is used as a consistency algorithm to ensure data consistency. Once the Server is installed, use the etcdctl command line to operate the management server in the cloud server. |
csapps/existing-vpc-docker-single-harbor.yml | Harbor(2.1.0) service is installed and deployed by a single node using Docker container. Harbor is an enterprise-class private container mirroring service that provides user management, access control, activity auditing, and other features. If you want to access the Harbor Web interface from an external network, please add direction 80 access rules to the security group. |
csapps/existing-vpc-docker-single-rancher.yml | Single-node use of Docker containers to install and deploy Rancher services, Rancher is an open source, enterprise-class multi-cluster Kubernetes management platform that enables the centralized deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters in hybrid cloud and on-premises data centers to ensure cluster security and accelerate digital transformation of enterprises,to access the rancher web interface from the Internet, please add the direction 80 access rule to the security group. |
csapps/j-storm.yml | Create one container service cluster and deploy JStorm with its dependency Zookeeper. |
csapps/jenkins.yml | Create a container service clusters to deploy Jenkins master and slaves with different languages. |
db/memcache-instance.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: Create a VPC type memcache instance. |
db/mongodb-instance.yml | Create one classic MongoDB instance. |
db/rds-instance.yml | Create a RDS instance. |
db/redis-instance.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: Create a Redis instance of a VPC network type. |
elastic/aliyun-kafka-instance.yml | Use this template to create an ALICloud message queue Kafka instance. |
elastic/anycasteip-attach-slb-bind-ecs.yml | Create Anycast EIP, bind the newly created SLB, and mount the newly created ECS to the SLB. |
elastic/batch-of-ecs-instances.yml | This template supports bulk creation of ECS instances for pay-per-view or annual package months, and supports scenarios where you already have a VPC, VSW, SG, or new VPC, VSW, SG. |
elastic/data-disk-snapshot.yml | Create a new data disk based on the snapshot and automatically mount the created data disk to the ECS instance. |
elastic/ecs-a-record.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: Create an ECS and bind the public ip domain name (record). |
elastic/ecs-group-attach-multiple-slb.yml | Create an ECS Instance Group attach SLB. |
elastic/ecs-group-vpc.yml | Create a VPC, VSwitch, security group, and ECS instance. |
elastic/ecs-image-disk-snapshot.yml | Specify the image Id and snapshot to create ECS instance. |
elastic/ecs-instance-group-clone.yml | According the existing ECS instance, clone a set of ECS instances with the same configuration(InstanceType, ImageId, InternetChargeType, InternetMaxBandwidthIn, InternetMaxBandwidthOut, system disk, data disk configurations, VPC properties). The user only needs to specify SourceInstanceId. |
elastic/ecs-instance-group-vpc-bind-eip-by-count.yml | Use Count to create a VPC type ECS, and then bind EIP (new VPC). |
elastic/ecs-instance-group-vpc.yml | Create a set of ECS instances of the same configuration under the newly created VPC, VSwitch, and security groups. |
elastic/ecs-ipv6-instance.yml | Create a cloud server with an IPV4/IPV6 stack and automatically assign IPv6 public address to the cloud host. |
elastic/ecs-json-data-transmission.yml | Create an ECS and configure SSH key. |
elastic/ecs-kubernetes-cluster.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Using ECS to build a Kubernetes cluster, the two EIPs act on the master instance ssh service, the 6443 port service, and the external network access of the ECS under the switch. The k8s cluster created by this template is for informational purposes only and container services are recommended in production environments . |
elastic/ecs-mount-multiple-uninitialized-data-disks.yml | Create an ECS and mount multiple data disks. |
elastic/ecs-multi-dynamic-ip.yml | ALIYUN ROS Sample template: showing how to create an instance with network interface and multiple IP addresses. |
elastic/ecs-vpc-instance.yml | Create an ECS instance of the VPC network. |
elastic/ecs-with-2-data-disk.yml | Create an ECS instance, mounts two data disks created by snapshots. |
elastic/ecs-with-java-web-enviroment.yml | Create an ECS instance and install JDK and Tomcat. |
elastic/ecs-with-nodejs-enviroment.yml | Create an ECS instance, install Node.js environment and test. _ WARNING _ This template only supports CentOS. |
elastic/ecs-with-ruby-enviroment.yml | Create a Ruby on Rails stack using a single ECS instance with a local MySQL database for storage. This example creates a simple hello world application from the template. _ WARNING _ This template only supports CentOS-7. When 'rvm install 2.3.1' may take long time. |
elastic/ecs-with-ssh-key.yml | Create an ECS and configure SSH key. |
elastic/entire-ecs-clone.yml | Clone an ECS Instance. |
elastic/ess-1-slb-2-rds-2-ecs.yml | Create 1 SLB, 1 ESS and 1 RDS, create 2 ECS Instances by ESS. Attach ECS Instances and ESS to the SLB. |
elastic/existing-vpc-anycasteip-attach-slb-bind-ecs.yml | Create Anycast EIP, bind the newly created SLB, and mount the newly created ECS to the SLB. |
elastic/existing-vpc-ecs-bind-eip-by-count.yml | Use Count to create a VPC type ECS, and then bind EIP (existing VPC). |
elastic/existing-vpc-kubernetes-cluster.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create a standard Kubernetes proprietary cluster using the container service Kubernetes on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources. You can create cluster management and work nodes in its entirety, creating full control over the entire cluster. |
elastic/existing-vpc-one-ecs-bind-eip.yml | Create a VPC type ECS and bind EIP (existing VPC). |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-flink.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create an ECS (Flink) and bind elastic IP on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources. Java jdk version is 1.8.0, Flink version 1.10.2, the security group needs to configure port 8081 entry rules to access the UI interface. |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-hdfs.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create an ECS (Hadoop HDFS) and bind elastic IP on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources. Java jdk version is 1.8.0, Haddop version is 2.7.7, For external access to the HDFS web interface, add direction 50070 access rules to the security group. |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-hive.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create an ECS (Hive) and bind elastic IP on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources. Java jdk version is 1.8.0, Haddop version is 2.7.7, Hive version 2.3.7, and MySQL driver version 5.1.48. |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-jenkins.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create an ECS (Jenkins) and bind elastic IP on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources. Java jdk version is 11.0.17, Jenkins version is 2.384-1.1. you need to access the Jenkins web interface, add 8080 ports to the existing security group entry direction rule. |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-kafka.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create one ECS (Kafka Middleware) and bind elastic IP on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources. Java jdk version is 1.8.0, Scala version is 2.12, Kafka version is, data disk path is /home/software/ for storing Kafka data, the default Kafka bin directory located at /home/software/kafka/bin. |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-map-reduce.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create an ECS (Hadoop MapReduce) and bind elastic IP on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources. Java jdk version is 1.8.0, Haddop version is 2.7.7, For extranet access to the MapReduce web interface, add direction 8088 access rules to the security group. |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-rabbitmq.yml | Deploy the RabbitMQ (3.8.4) service on the ECS host, which is an open source AMQP-implemented message middleware service that supports a variety of client connections with robust, stable, easy-to-use, cross-platform, multilingual features. |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-spark.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create an ECS (Spark) and bind elastic IP on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources. Java jdk version is 1.8.0, Haddop version is 2.7.7, Scala version is 2.12.1, Spark version is 2.1.0, For extranet access to the manage web interface, add direction 8088 and 8080 access rules to the security group. |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-storm.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create an ECS (Storm) and bind elastic IP on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources. Java jdk version is 1.8.0, Storm version 2.2.0, and Zookeeper driver version 3.6.2, access to the UI interface requires the security group configuration to allow entry to port 8081. |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-yarn.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create an ECS (Hadoop YARN) and bind elastic IP on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources. Java jdk version is 1.8.0, Haddop version is 2.7.7, For extranet access to the YARN web interface, add direction 8088 access rules to the security group. |
elastic/existing-vpc-single-zookeeper.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Zookeeper (3.6.2) is a coordinated service for distributed applications for node management, leader election, configuration management, and more on ECS hosts,To access the zookeeper web interface from the Internet, please add the 9090 access rule to the security group. |
elastic/hadoop-distributed-ecs-instance-group.yml | Deploy a Hadoop environment. One ECS instance plays role of master, and a instance group plays role of worker. _ WARNING _ Only test in CentOS-7. Maybe stopping firewall is needed. The deploying time mainly depends on the speed of downloading jdk and hadoop packages. |
elastic/hadoop-distributed-env-3-ecs.yml | Deploy a Hadoop environment on 3 ECS instances. One ECS instance plays role of master node, and the other 2 instances play role of worker node. _ WARNING _ Only test in CentOS-7. Maybe stopping firewall is needed. The deploying time mainly depends on the speed of downloading jdk and hadoop packages. |
elastic/hadoop-pseudo-distributed-env.yml | Deploy a Hadoop pseudo distributed environment on 1 ECS instance. The ECS instance plays the roles of master and slave. _ WARNING _ Only test in CentOS-7. Maybe stopping firewall is needed. The deploying time mainly depends on the speed of downloading JDK and hadoop packages. |
elastic/instance-image-disk-snapshot.yml | Specify the image Id and snapshot to create ECS instances. |
elastic/java-web-single-instance.yml | The template installs jdk and tomcat on a new ECS instance. |
elastic/jdk-dns-ssh-without-password-3-ecs.yml | This template shows how to install and config a java jdk, domain name resolution and ssh login without password environment on 3 ECS instances. This template can be used as a start of other complex templates(like as hadoop and spark). |
elastic/kong-single-instance.yml | Deploy Kong stack on 1 ECS instance, Please use foreign region as default, because Kong's download source is foreign source. _ WARNING _ Only support CentOS-7. |
elastic/lamp-basic.yml | On the existing virtual proprietary network, switches, and security group base resources, the one-click deployment OF LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) development environment based on the Centos7 system. |
elastic/lnmp-basic.yml | Deploy LNMP(Linux+Nginx+MySQL+PHP) stack on 1 ECS instance. _ WARNING _ Only support CentOS-7. |
elastic/lnmpa-basic.yml | On the existing virtual proprietary network, switches, and security group base resources, the one-click deployment OF LAMP (Linux+Nginx+MySQL+PHP+Apache) development environment based on the Centos7 system, Nginx is mainly used to store static files, while Apache handles dynamic PHP requests. |
elastic/lnmt-basic.yml | On the existing virtual proprietary network, switches, and security group base resources, the one-click deployment OF LNMT(Linux+Nginx+MySQL+Tomcat) development environment based on the Centos7 system, Nginx is mainly used to store static files, while Tomcat handles dynamic JSP requests. |
elastic/mount-multiple-noninit-data-disks.yml | Create ECS and elastic IP and mount multiple data disks. |
elastic/new-vpc-ask.yml | Create a Serverless Kubernetes cluster. |
elastic/new-vpc-single-kafka.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS sample template: Create one ECS (Kafka Middleware) and bind elastic IP after creating a new virtual proprietary network, switch, security group base resource. Java jdk version is 1.8.0, Scala version is 2.12, Kafka version is, data disk path is /home/software/ for storing Kafka data, the default Kafka bin directory located at /home/software/kafka/bin. |
elastic/new-vpc-single-rabbitmq.yml | Deploy the RabbitMQ (3.8.4) service on the ECS host, which is an open source AMQP-implemented message middleware service that supports a variety of client connections with robust, stable, easy-to-use, cross-platform, multilingual features. |
elastic/nodejs-single-instance.yml | This template show how to deploy a Node.js environment and do a test based on a new ECS instance. WARNING, this template only supports CentOS. |
elastic/one-ecs-attach-multiple-slb.yml | Create ECS, add multiple SLBs and bind IP and machine name in /etc/hosts. |
elastic/rds-with-ecs-in-iplist.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: RDS instance + ECS instance + access for Intranet. |
elastic/ruby-on-rails-single-instance.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: Create a Ruby on Rails stack using a single ECS instance with a local MySQL database for storage. This example creates a simple hello world application from the template. _ WARNING _ This template only supports CentOS-7. When 'rvm install 2.3.1' may take long time. |
elastic/scaling-simple-ha-infrastructure.yml | According the existing ECS instance, clone a set of ECS instanes with the same configuration(InstanceType, ImageId, InternetChargeType, InternetMaxBandwidthIn, InternetMaxBandwidthOut, system disk, data disk configurations, VPC properties). The user needs to specify SourceInstanceId. |
elastic/simple-ecs-instance.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: One simple ECS instance with a security group and a vSwitch in a VPC. The user only needs to specify the image ID. |
elastic/simple-high-available-infrastructure.yml | User can create high available infrastructure. Some ECS and one RDS will be created. ECS will be attached to one SLB. RDS is across multiple available zone. All the resources are under VPC environment. The customer could access this infrastructure through SLB. |
elastic/slb-with-2-ecs.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: Firstly create one SLB, then create 2 ECS instances, finally attach the 2 instances to the SLB. |
elastic/spark-hadoop-distributed-env-3-ecs.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template:This template shows how to deploy a Hadoop-Spark environment on 3 ECS instances. One ECS instance plays role of master node, and the other 2 instances play role of worker node. Step 1 configs the ssh login without password. Step 2 installs and configs Java env. Step 3 installs and configs hadoop env. Step 4 installs and configs Spark env. _ WARNING _ Only support CentOS-7. Maybe stopping firewall is needed. The deploying time mainly depends on the speed of downloading 4 packages. |
elastic/spark-hadoop-ecs-instance-group.yml | This template shows how to deploy a Hadoop-Spark environment. One ECS instance plays role of master, and one instance group plays role of worker. Step 1 configs the ssh login without password. Step 2 installs and configs Java env. Step 3 installs and configs Hadoop env. Step 4 installs and configs Spark env. _ WARNING _ Only test in CentOS-7. Maybe stopping firewall is needed. The deploying time mainly depends on the speed of downloading 4 packages. |
elastic/tensorflow-deployment.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template:Creates ECS instance and install TensorFlow. |
elastic/wordpress-cluster-phpmyadmin.yml | Deploys the WordPress site and the phpMyAdmin app. |
elastic/wordpress-cluster.yml | Create a wordpress cluster. |
elastic/wordpress-instance.yml | Create a wordpress instance. |
free/multi-zone-network.yml | Create Multi-Zone Network. |
free/single-role-add-policy.yml | Create a RAM role, and add policy. |
free/single-user-with-different-policies.yml | Create a sub account that is a member of a users group and an admin group, enable the console login, and create access key. |
free/vpc-type-of-slb.yml | Create Vpc type of Slb. |
gamesupport/ecs-bind-mult-eni-and-eip.yml | The main implementation is to create ECS and bind multiple elastic network CARDS. The number of binding elastic network CARDS should be determined by the specification of ECS. |
iot/existing-vpc-cluster-emq.yml | On existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources, based on Centos7 deploying EMQ X service clusters, EssRamRole automatically authorizes OOS tasks to join/remove Slave when using ESS elastic scaling clusters, EMQ X is a fully open source, highly scalable, highly available distributed MQTT messaging server for IoT, M2M, and mobile applications that can handle tens of millions of levels of co-location clients. |
iot/existing-vpc-clusteremq.yml | On existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group base resources, based on Centos7 deploying EMQ X service clusters, EssRamRole automatically authorizes OOS tasks to join/remove Slave when using ESS elastic scaling clusters, EMQ X is a fully open source, highly scalable, highly available distributed MQTT messaging server for IoT, M2M, and mobile applications that can handle tens of millions of levels of co-location clients. |
iot/existing-vpc-single-emq.yml | Based on the deployment of EMQ X services based on Centos7 single-node deployments on existing virtual proprietary networks, switches, and security group infrastructure, EMQ X is a fully open source, highly scalable, highly available distributed MQTT messaging server for IoT, M2M, and mobile applications that can handle tens of millions of levels of side-by-side clients. |
isv/custom-image-ecs-datadisk.yml | This template deploys custom image for single instance, supports creating new VPC and specifying VPC. |
isv/custom-image-ecs.yml | This template deploys custom image for single instance, supports creating new VPC and specifying VPC. |
isv/existing-vpc-ack.yml | Create a dedicated Kubernetes clusters on existing virtual private network, switch, and security group base resources. |
isv/existing-vpc-slb-ecs-isv.yml | Use the existing VPC、VSWitch, create 1 SLB, 2 ECS instances, and bind all ECS instances to the SLB. |
isv/existing-vpc-slb-ecs-rds-isv.yml | Use the existing VPC、VSWitch、 SecurityGroup, create 1 RDS, 1 SLB, and 2 ECS instances, and bind all ECS instances to the SLB. |
isv/new-vpc-ack-and-jump-server.yml | Create a vpc, switch, and security group, create a Kubernetes managed edition cluster, and create a springboard machine to deploy applications using kubectl. |
network/cen-open-isolated-networks.yml | Isolated VPCs use shared services. |
network/micro-vpc-architecture.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: Micro-business VPC network architecture. Create a VPC network and a subnet. ECS in sub-network access to international network through the public IP. |
network/middle-vpc-architecture.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: Medium business VPC network architecture. Three subnets are created under VPC. ECS and SLB in Front subnet handle public network request. ECS, SLB, RDS, Redis, OSS and so on in Backend subnet provide core business logic. The network accesses the public network through NatGateway's SNAT. |
network/private-link-access-service.yml | Use the private network connection service to share the private network SLB service deployed in a private VPC with another VPC using the same account. |
network/security-vpc.yml | Secure VPC scenario. |
network/slb-clone.yml | Clone one SLB, and attach its ECS instances to the new LSB. The user only needs to specify the source SLB ID. |
network/small-vpc-architecture.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: Small business VPC network architecture. Two subnets are created in the VPC. ECS access international network through NatGateway DNAT and SNAT. |
network/vpc-nat-gateway.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: Create VPC environment and configure NatGateway to ensure ECS access internet and provider service for public. |
network/vpc-snat-gateway.yml | Create VPC environment and configures SNat Gateway to ensure ECS access internet and provider service for public. |
network/vpc-snat.yml | Alibaba Cloud ROS Sample Template: One click to create the SNAT gateway, the VPC environment to create an EIP-bound ECS as the SNAT gateway. |
network/vpc-vswitch-route-sg-ecs.yml | Create one VPC, VSwitch, security group, ECS instance, and route. The user needs to specify the image ID. |
network/vpc.yml | Create One VPC instance. |
network/vpcv-switch-route-sg-ecs.yml | Create one VPC, VSwitch, security group, ECS instance, and route. The user needs to specify the image ID. |
security/centralized-logs.yml | Create Ram roles for management operation audit, OSS, and SLS, and save audit data to the specified OSS bucket. |
security/ecs-ram-role.yml | Create a RAM role for ECS instances. |
security/existing-vpc-single-jump-server.yml | JumpServer is an operations security audit system that is mainly used for authentication, account management, authorization control, security audit, etc, To access the JumpServer Web interface from the Internet, please add direction JumpServer Service port access rule to the security group. |
security/manage-vpc-vswitch-policy.yml | Create policy to authorize the management of VSwitch policies in a single region. |
security/managed-policy.yml | Create a custom policy. |
security/ram-create-sub-account.yml | Create a sub account, enable the console login, and create access key. |
security/stack-group-aliyun-ros-stack-group-administration-role.yml | Configure the AliyunROSStackGroupAdministrationRole to enable use of Alibaba Cloud ROS StackGroup. |
security/stack-group-aliyun-ros-stack-group-execution-role.yml | Configure the AliyunROSStackGroupExecutionRole to enable use of your account as a target account in Alibaba Cloud ROS StackGroup. |
security/sub-account-pass-role.yml | Create a sub-account and have the ram:PassRole permission. |
stackgroup/aliyun-ros-stack-group-administration-role.yml | Configure the AliyunROSStackGroupAdministrationRole to enable use of Alibaba Cloud ROS StackGroup. |
stackgroup/aliyun-ros-stack-group-execution-role.yml | Configure the AliyunROSStackGroupExecutionRole to enable use of your account as a target account in Alibaba Cloud ROS StackGroup. |
storage/simple-oss-bucket.yml | Create a OSS bucket. |
windows/simple-windows-instance-with-exchange.yml | Create an ECS instance and install Exchange Server 2013. |
windows/simple-windows-instance-with-sharepoint.yml | Create an ECS instance with SharePoint Foundation 2013. |
Template | Description |
backup-recovery/application-business-migration.yml | This template shows the migration and switchover of a service from a single zone to multiple zones. The template uses a simulated WordPress application service to provide you with a clear view of the solution architecture. You must manually perform the disaster recovery drill in the service console. This template can be used with the single-zone application building template to complete application business migration. |
backup-recovery/cross-the-available-zone-disaster.yml | This template shows the basic procedure of a disaster recovery drill across zones in a region. This template uses an existing e-commerce website image to build an e-commerce website. |
backup-recovery/cross-the-available-zone-epidemic-control.yml | This template is used to deploy a cross-zone disaster recovery solution within a region. This practice uses the deployment of applications that are designed to fight COVID-19 as an example. In this practice, this template is used to deploy a set of applications in the cloud and ensure the proper running of these applications which are designed to help in COVID-19 treatment and prevention. |
backup-recovery/deploy-the-rds-environment.yml | In traditional remote database backup solutions, local backups are often compressed and then uploaded to remote locations, which complicates the management of the entire backup set. Processing historical backup data in this way is a waste of storage resources, because this data is less likely to be queried over time. A cost-efficient database backup solution is required for dataset query. |
backup-recovery/self-built-elastic-search-snapshot-saved-to-oss.yml | This template is used to back up data from snapshots of a self-managed Elasticsearch cluster to OSS and restore the data from the snapshots in the repositories stored in OSS buckets to an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster. |
backup-recovery/single-available-zone-building-application.yml | The cross-zone disaster recover solution 2.0 demonstrates data migration and system switchover from a single zone to multiple zones. This template uses WordPress as an example to help you understand the architecture of this solution. You must log on to the management console of the required services to manually switch over your system. This template is used to build an application in a single zone. |
backup-recovery/zero-loss-of-trading-system-data.yml | Best Practices for Zero Loss of Data in Small and Medium-sized Company Trading Systems - Environment Deployment on the Cloud. |
bioscience/bcs-3rd-generation-gene-sequence-data-assembly.yml | This template is used to deploy the WDL-Canu solution provided by Batch Compute for third-generation genome sequencing data assembly. |
cloud-market/deploy-high-availability-architecture-to-the-cloud.yml | This template creates and manages multiple resources in two zones to provide services. This effectively deploys a high-availability common services stack to the cloud. |
cloud-market/deploy-small-architecture-to-the-cloud.yml | This template creates multiple resources in a single zone, and manages the resources to provide services. This effectively deploys a small-scale common services stack to the cloud. |
cloud-market/elastic-ha-architecture-to-the-cloud.yml | This template uses Auto Scaling and ApsaraDB for POLARDB to create multiple resources in two zones and manage the resources to provide services. This effectively deploys a high-availability, elastic common services stack to the cloud. |
compute-nest/compute-nest-on-premises-solution-sag.yml | This template is used to connect on-premises services and Alibaba Cloud. Compute Nest provides cloud service providers (CSPs) with the capability to connect on-premises services associated with Compute Nest and Alibaba Cloud. Compute Nest is integrated with Alibaba Cloud services, such as Smart Access Gateway, CCN, CEN, VPC, and ECS, to automatically connect on-premises networks to VPCs. This way, Compute Nest can smoothly connect on-premises services to its virtual networks and access on-premises services across VPCs and accounts by using endpoints. |
container-micro-service/spring-cloud-cloud-native-migration.yml | This template uses resources such as ECS instances and ACK managed clusters to build the Spring Cloud architecture based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group. This allows you to migrate Spring Cloud architecture and applications to Alibaba Cloud in a convenient manner. |
container-micro-service/spring-cloud-hostingack-service.yml | This template seamlessly migrates Spring Cloud applications to Container Service for Kubernetes at low costs, without changes to the calling method between applications. Kubernetes is a natural fit for microservices. This template takes full advantage of the elasticity of Kubernetes to meet application scale-out requirements. After Spring Cloud applications are containerized, resource utilization is greatly improved. |
data-analysis/existing-vpc-cluster-flink.yml | This template is used to create multiple ECS instances based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group. The ECS instance that is assigned an EIP is the management node. Auto Scaling manages the remaining ECS instances. Java JDK version 1.8.0 and Flink version 1.10.2 are used. To log on to the Flink console, you must configure the inbound rule over port 8081. |
data-analysis/existing-vpc-cluster-hdfs.yml | This template is used to create multiple ECS instances based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group. The ECS instance that is assigned an EIP is the management node. Auto Scaling manages the remaining ECS instances. Java JDK version 1.8.0 and Hadoop version 2.7.7 are used. To log on to the HDFS console, you must configure the inbound rule to allow traffic over port 50070. |
data-analysis/existing-vpc-cluster-hive.yml | This template is used to create multiple ECS instances based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group. The ECS instance that is assigned an EIP is the management node. Auto Scaling manages the remaining ECS instances. Java JDK version 1.8.0, Hadoop version 2.7.7, Scala version 2.12.1, Spark version 2.1.0, and Hive version 2.3.7 are used. To log on to the Spark console, you must configure the inbound rule that allows traffic over port 8080. To log on to the Hive console, you must configure the inbound rule that allows traffic over port 10001. |
data-analysis/existing-vpc-cluster-map-reduce.yml | This template is used to create multiple ECS instances based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group to deploy Hadoop MapReduce. The ECS instance that is assigned an EIP is the management node. Auto Scaling manages the remaining ECS instances. Java JDK version 1.8.0 and Hadoop version 2.7.7 are used. To log on to the Yarn console, you must configure the inbound rule that allows access over port 8088. To log on to the HDFS console, you must configure the inbound rule that allows access over port 50070. |
data-analysis/existing-vpc-cluster-spark.yml | This template is used to create multiple ECS instances based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group to deploy a Spark cluster. The ECS instance that is assigned an EIP is the management node. Auto Scaling manages the remaining ECS instances. Java JDK version 1.8.0, Hadoop version 2.7.7, Scala version 2.12.1, and Spark version 2.1.0 are used. To log on to the Spark console, you must configure the inbound rule that allows traffic over port 8080. |
data-analysis/existing-vpc-cluster-storm.yml | This template is used to create multiple ECS instances based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group to deploy a Storm cluster. The ECS instance that is assigned an EIP is the management node. Auto Scaling manages the remaining ECS instances. Java JDK version 1.8.0, Storm version 2.2.0, and ZooKeeper version 3.6.2 are used. To log on to the Storm console, you must configure the inbound rule that allows traffic over port 8081. |
data-analysis/existing-vpc-cluster-yarn.yml | This template is used to create multiple ECS instances based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group to deploy a Hadoop Yarn cluster. The ECS instance that is assigned an EIP is the management node. Auto Scaling manages the remaining ECS instances. Java JDK version 1.8.0 and Hadoop version 2.7.7 are used. To log on to the Yarn console, you must configure the inbound rule that allows traffic over port 8088. To log on to the HDFS console, you must configure the inbound rule that allows traffic over port 50070. |
data-analysis/low-cost-offline-big-data-analysis-emr.yml | This template uses ROS to create cloud resources including EMR, Log Service, and OSS. After you track, collect, store, and ship e-commerce website logs, you can use EMR to analyze the logs and predict user consumption behavior. EMR can help you analyze mass offline big data at low costs. |
data-analysis/low-cost-offline-big-data-analysis.yml | This template is used to build an offline big data analysis system in the cloud based on preemptible ECS instances and OSS buckets. Customers and frontline architects can use this system for PoC tests. |
data-analysis/sls-multi-cloud-log-processing-analysis.yml | This template is used to write data from third-party platforms or self-managed data centers to Log Service for data analysis. This simplifies O&M, facilitates operations, and improves the capability to process large amounts of logs. |
data-migration/low-cost-link-to-business-data.yml | This template is used to migrate business data to the cloud. When you migrate a large amount of business data to the cloud, a large network bandwidth is required. This causes the BGP costs to increase. Alibaba Cloud provides static BGP EIP bandwidth plan for users such as China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Telecom. This helps reduce the costs to migrate data to the cloud. |
data-migration/self-built-hive-data-warehouse-migrated-to-emr.yml | This solution uses ROS to create an on-premises Hadoop cluster and migrate the cluster data to an Alibaba Cloud E-MapReduce cluster. |
database/polardb-migration-from-rds.yml | This template is used to migrate data from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL database or a self-managed MySQL database to a PolarDB for MySQL cluster. |
devops/container-application-devops-for-ack-cluster.yml | This template uses DevOps to automate the building of container applications or mini programs and facilitate continuous delivery. DevOps is a combination of best practices and tools that help enterprises deliver applications and services at high velocity. In the era of containers, the number of deployed applications grows larger. These applications also change faster, with some applications having requirements on autoscaling. To meet the requirements on agile deployment, continuous delivery is critical. |
devops/deploy-zabbix-service.yml | Zabbix is a Web-based, enterprise-grade, open source solution that provides distributed system monitoring and network monitoring capabilities to monitor and track the performance, availability, and health of various IT infrastructure components. |
enterprise-on-cloud/create-ddh-and-deploy-cloud-server.yml | This template demonstrates the best practices for migrating VMware systems that are deployed or hosted in an on-premises data center to DDH. You can use DDH to build a resource pool composed of dedicated physical servers on the cloud, and use ECS to take full advantage of the resource elasticity and pay-as-you-go billing model on the cloud. This way, you can build a highly reliable and scalable high-performance virtualization system that can meet enterprise-level requirements such as security, compliance, custom deployment, and Bring Your Own License (BYOL). This template helps create a dedicated host and deploy ECS instances. |
enterprise-on-cloud/e-commerce-business-and-db-on-the-cloud.yml | This template can create the resources required for e-commerce website building and database migration solutions. It serves as one of the best practices for enterprises to migrate to the cloud. |
enterprise-on-cloud/games-or-retail-single-db-single-service.yml | This template demonstrates the best practices to migrate a single database on a server to the cloud at low costs and in an agile manner. This template is suitable for startups or companies in the retail and gaming industries, and companies that operate in the amoeba model that want to improve their scalability and minimize their operating costs. |
enterprise-on-cloud/image-storage-and-tool-env.yml | This template is used to migrate VMware systems that are deployed or hosted in on-premises data centers to dedicated hosts in the cloud. This template uses dedicated hosts to build a resource pool composed of dedicated physical servers in the cloud. This template also uses the virtualization technology provided by ECS to develop dynamically scalable virtualization systems of high performance and high reliability, which meet enterprise-grade requirements on security, compliance, custom deployment, and BYOL. Cloud resources used in the virtualization systems are highly scalable and billed on a pay-as-you-go basis. You can also use this template to store images and build tool environments. |
enterprise-on-cloud/internet-industry-high-elastic-system-construction.yml | This template uses Auto Scaling and ApsaraDB for POLARDB to provide elasticity at both the application and database levels, and uses ApsaraDB for Redis and SLB to implement automatic disaster recovery across zones. This template can help you build an elastic, highly available system for the Internet industry. |
enterprise-on-cloud/kingdee-windows-server-on-cloud.yml | This template deploys Kingdee Cloud Galaxy 7.5 Enterprise Edition on an ECS instance in a new VPC. You must provide the Kingdee Cloud Galaxy license and SQL Server license separately. |
enterprise-on-cloud/move-server-using-custom-mirror.yml | You can migrate servers running Windows or Linux from on-premises data centers, VMs, or cloud platform hosts to Alibaba Cloud ECS. This template can be used together with the template that uses the Cloud Migration tool to perform server migration. |
enterprise-on-cloud/move-server-with-migration-tool.yml | You can migrate servers running Windows or Linux from on-premises data centers, VMs, or cloud platform hosts to Alibaba Cloud ECS. This template uses the Cloud Migration tool to perform migration. |
enterprise-on-cloud/single-website-on-cloud-cloud-architecture.yml | This template is used to bring a deployment architecture to the cloud. This template is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises that want to bring their deployment architecture to the cloud after they deploy their website services of the standalone architecture to the cloud. This also allows enterprises to meet the requirements for elastic scaling. |
enterprise-on-cloud/single-website-on-cloud-stand-alone-server.yml | This template is used to deploy standalone servers in the cloud. This template is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises that want to scale their resources when they deploy their website services of the standalone architecture in the cloud. |
enterprise-on-cloud/single-website-on-cloud-stand-one-click.yml | This template is used to create a stack that includes resources such as VPCs, SLB instances, EIPs, ECS instances, and ApsaraDB RDS instances. Two ECS instances are required to install a WordPress image. After the stack is deployed, you can use the EIP generated on the Outputs tab of the stack details page to access the WordPress website. |
enterprise-on-cloud/vmware-on-elastic-bare-metal-server.yml | This template migrates a VMware environment to Alibaba Cloud ECS Bare Metal Instances. The template uses the elastic infrastructure provided by the cloud computing platform to smoothly migrate offline services to the cloud. |
high-performance-computing/ehpc-industrial-simulation.yml | This template uses E-HPC and OSS to run simulation software. In this practice, the simulation software is LAMMPS, and data is uploaded by using OSS. |
internet-network/enterprise-app-hotel-network.yml | The migration of hotel PMSs to the cloud requires several days. Off-cloud and on-cloud hotel PMSs coexist for a long time. This template is used to build a hybrid cloud networking to ensure mutual access of PMSs between regions and branches on and off the cloud and meet the requirements of different-level enterprise nodes. For example, the headquarter IDC may require large bandwidth, high security, and strong reliability. |
internet-network/global-deployment-network-build-global-network.yml | In the online education industry, most teachers are not located in the same region or country as the students. For example, in scenario-based online English education programs, the teachers are based in North America, while the students are from various regions in China. This template can be used together with the template for building a resource environment in a single region to complete network planning for global deployment. |
internet-network/global-deployment-network-deploy-single-env.yml | In the online education industry, most teachers are not located in the same region or country as the students. For example, in scenario-based online English education programs, the teachers are based in North America, while the students are from various regions in China. This template helps build a resource environment in a single region. |
internet-network/landing-zone-cen-ack.yml | This template is used to plan networking between two ACK clusters across accounts in the same region by using a transit router to test the connectivity between the pods in the clusters. |
internet-network/landing-zone-cen-privatelink.yml | This template is used to create an endpoint service for Account A and Account B and establish an endpoint connection between the accounts to allow network access. |
internet-network/landing-zone-cen-tr-peer.yml | This template is used to create VPC 1 and VPC 2 within Account A and to create VPC 3 and VPC 4 within Account B. A peering connection is established between VPC 2 and VPC 4 to reduce the traffic fees that are generated from communication between VPCs. For other VPC connections, a transit router is used to plan networking. This facilitates management of networks. |
internet-network/landing-zone-cen-tr.yml | This template is used to establish cross-region network connections between Account A and Account B by using Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instances and transit routers. This template is also used to add the virtual private cloud (VPC) of Account B to the CEN instances of Account A and Account B to enable mutual access between the networks. |
internet-network/multi-avaiable-areas-building-services.yml | This template builds services across multiple zones in a region. It is ideal for users who have on-premises data centers and need to build a multi-region, multi-zone hybrid cloud with highly stable business architecture. Physical connection is the most efficient and stable method to connect an on-premises data center to a VPC. |
internet-network/multi-region-multi-area-network-interworking.yml | This template can be used with the template for building services across multiple zones in a region to build a multi-region, multi-zone hybrid cloud. It is ideal for users who have on-premises data centers and need to build a multi-region, multi-zone hybrid cloud with highly stable business architecture. Physical connection is the most efficient and stable method to connect an on-premises data center to a VPC. |
iot-cloud/iot-platform-device-data-on-the-cloud.yaml | This template uses the temperature and humidity sensor device as an example to describe how to connect the device to the Internet of Things platform, forward the data reported by the device to the functional computing FC, and finally push the data to the Dingpin group. |
machine-learning-ai/hybrid-cloud-uses-ali-ai-acceleration-tools.yml | This template is used to build Kubernetes services, create on-premises clusters, and create elastic Alibaba Cloud GPU instances in the cloud. This template uses AIACC and CPFS to run AI training and AI inference jobs. This template is suitable for hybrid cloud scenarios. |
media-service/fpga-cloud-servers.yml | This template is used to deploy a real-time transcoding solution that provides high-quality images at low bit rates. This solution accelerates image and video transcoding and reduces transmission bandwidth. This allows you to minimize your bandwidth, transcoding, and storage costs. |
middleware/existing-vpc-cluster-kafka.yml | This template is used to create multiple ECS instances based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group. The ECS instance that is assigned an EIP is the management node. Auto Scaling manages the remaining ECS instances. Java JDK version 1.8.0, Scala version 2.12, and Kafka version are used. Application data is stored in the mounted data disk (mount directory of the data disk: /home/software; directory of Kafka bin: /home/software/kafka/bin). To log on to the Kafka Manager console, you must configure the inbound rule that allows access over TCP port 9000. |
middleware/existing-vpc-cluster-rabbitmq.yml | This template is used to create multiple ECS instances based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group to deploy a RabbitMQ cluster of version 3.8.4, and uses SLB to evenly distribute network traffic to ensure high availability for the cluster. This template also uses Auto Scaling to scale the cluster. During a scaling activity, ROS creates EssRamRole to authorize OOS to add slave nodes to or remove slave nodes from the cluster. RabbitMQ is an open source message-broker software which uses AMQP in the architecture of the service. This software is robust, stable, and easy to use. You can use RabbitMQ to connect multiple clients and develop applications in multiple languages. To log on to the RabbitMQ console, you must configure the inbound rule that allows traffic over TCP port 15672. If a client needs to connect to RabbitMQ, you must configure the inbound rule that allows traffic over TCP port 5672. |
middleware/existing-vpc-cluster-zookeeper.yml | This template is used to create multiple ECS instances based on an existing VPC, vSwitch, and security group to deploy a ZooKeeper cluster of version 3.6.2, and uses Auto Scaling to scale the cluster. During a scaling activity, ROS creates EssRamRole to authorize OOS to automatically add nodes to or remove nodes from the cluster. ZooKeeper is a distributed coordination service for applications. You can use ZooKeeper to manage nodes, elect leaders, and manage configurations. |
middleware/spring-cloud-netflix-migrate-edas.yml | This template seamlessly migrates Spring Cloud applications to Container Service for Kubernetes at low costs, without changes to the calling method between applications. Kubernetes is a natural fit for microservices. This template takes full advantage of the elasticity of Kubernetes to meet application scale-out requirements. After Spring Cloud applications are containerized, resource utilization is greatly improved. |
mini-program/fc-mini-program-backend-service.yml | This template is used to build backend services of the serverless architecture for mobile applications, mini programs, and web applications. You can accelerate access to static data stored in OSS by using CDN. You can also access data stored in ApsaraDB RDS by using API Gateway and Function Compute. This template frees you from server management and service running environment management. Cloud resources required by this template support auto scaling. |
security-rule/business-security-for-e-commerce-sites.yml | This template is used to provide a complete protection solution for e-commerce websites in various scenarios, such as during account registration or O&M. This template can also be used to ensure the stability of your business during O&M, and to prevent promotion abuse so that discounts are directly offered to your users. |
security-rule/ram-account-rights-management.yml | This template is used to manage RAM users within a single account, group resources, configure permissions, and control access to cloud resources. For example, a company that runs an e-commerce website can use RAM to group resources, build an account-user system, grant permissions, strengthen system security, and perform periodic security inspection for R&D, test, production, or other business processes. |
serviceless-compute/fc-web-file-backend-service.yml | This template is used to build website file processing services of the serverless architecture. You can use APIs, SDKs, or Alibaba Cloud Management Console to upload files to specified OSS buckets or update files. These files can be automatically compressed or decompressed, and you can obtain information such as MD5 hashed values and file metadata. |
studio-entertainment/game-business-zone-service-env.yml | This template is used to accelerate user access and enable partitioning and aggregation of gaming data. This helps you improve user game experience and increase retention rates and profitability. |
studio-entertainment/light-weight-gpu-deployed-cloud-games.yml | With the widespread application of AI in scenarios such as deep learning, video processing, scientific computing, and graphic visualization, the market demand for GPU instances is growing. However, the problem of excess computing power and rising costs caused by ultra-large-scale elastic computing starting out with a single physical GPU is becoming increasingly prominent. The emergence of lightweight GPUs has broken the limitations of the traditional pass-through mode. A lightweight GPU can provide finer-grained services than a physical GPU, allowing customers to conduct business more flexibly at lower costs. |
database/deploy-mysql-based-on-ebs.yml | Deploy high-performance MySQL services based on EBS ESSD. |
- ecs
Template | Description |
lamp.yml | Create a LAMP environment, supporting deployment on new instances or selection of existing instances, with configuration of VPC, security groups, and instance settings. Automate the installation of the LAMP stack, providing access to ECS login and Nginx/PHP information pages. |
lamp-ubuntu.yml | Create a LAMP environment in Ubuntu, supporting deployment on new instances or selection of existing instances, with configuration of VPC, security groups, and instance settings. Automate the installation of the LAMP stack, providing access to ECS login and Nginx/PHP information pages. |
lnmp.yml | Create a new or optional existing Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance, configure Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), security groups, and cloud disks, automatically install the LNMP stack, and provide an external access URL. |
lnmp-centos7.yml | Deploy an LNMP environment on an ECS instance (CentOS 7), where LNMP represents Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP respectively. |
lnmp-ubuntu.yml | Deploy an LNMP environment on an ECS instance (Ubuntu), where LNMP represents Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP respectively. |
ftp-centos7.yml | Use Centos7 to create an ECS instance and install and deploy the FTP service. |
nodejs-centos7.yml | Deploy the Node.js environment on an ECS instance (CentOS 7). |
wordpress-centos7.yml | Manually build a WordPress website on a CentOS 7 ECS instance |
wordpress-on-ecs.yml | Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Virtual Switch (VSwitch), Security Group, and Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance, configure one-click deployment for WordPress, supporting both the creation of new or the selection of existing ECS instances. |
mysql-centos8.yml | Deploy the MySQL service on an ECS instance (CentOS 8). |
hadoop.yml | Deploy the Hadoop environment. |
java-web.yml | Deploy the Java Web environment. |
gitlab.yml | Deploy the GitLab service. |
ecs-bind-multi-eip-address.yml | Bind an EIP to a secondary ENI in normal mode to bind multiple EIPs to a single ECS instance (CentOS 7). |
docker.yml | Create a ROS template for Docker environment, facilitating the creation of new or utilization of existing ECS instances, configuring VPC and security groups, with automated installation of Docker CE. |
docker-alibaba-cloud-linux-2.yml | Deploy and use Docker on the ECS instance of Alibaba Cloud Linux 2.1903 LTS 64-bit operating system. |
configure-IPv6-address-for-ecs.yml | Configure the IPv6 address of the ECS instance. |
aiacc.yml | Quickly implement AIGC painting based on the AIACC accelerator. |
rapid-build-ai-robots-dialogue.yml | Rapid build AI robots dialogue. |
aigc-text-generation-video.yml | AIGC text generation video. |
aigc-text-generation-3d-model.yml | AIGC text generation 3D model. |
tf-chat-glm-6b.yml | The AI conversation robot is based on the ChatGLM-6B language model. |
tf-chat-glm2-6b.yml | The AI conversation robot is based on the ChatGLM2-6B language model. |
tf-qwen-7b-chat.yml | The AI conversation robot is based on the Qwen-7B-Chat. |
tf-qwen-audio-chat.yml | The AI conversation robot is based on the Qwen-Audio-Chat. |
tf-qwen-vl-chat.yml | The AI conversation robot is based on the Qwen-VL-Chat. |
tf-stable-diffusion.yml | A personal version of Vincennes diagram service is built based on Stable Diffusion model. |
multi-websites.yml | Use lnmp to deploy multi-websites. |
baota-on-ecs.yml | Deploy the BaoTa Panel Free service |
svn-on-ecs.yml | Deploy the SVN environment. |
django-on-ecs.yml | Deploy the Django environment. |
- ack
Template | Description |
ack-cube-game.yml | Deploy cube game using ACK. |
- alb
Template | Description |
alb-create-ipv4-load-balancer-and-dnsrecord.yml | Quickly create an instance of an IPv4 version of ALB and forward access requests from an IPv4 client to a back-end server. |
- rds
Template | Description |
rds-create-instance-database-and-connection.yml | Create the RDS MySQL instance, do the basic setup, and connect the instance. |
- ga
模板 | 说明 |
ga-accelerated-access-to-specified-ip.yml | Accelerated Access To Specified IP. |
- oss
Template | Description |
add-signatures-on-server-configure-upload-callback.yml | Calculate signatures in Java on the server, configure upload callbacks, and upload data to OSS. |
add-signatures-on-the-client-by-using-JS-and-upload-data.yml | Use JavaScript to add signatures on the client based on POST policies and then upload data to OSS. |
upload-to-oss-with-server-signature.yml | Obtain signature information from the server and upload data to OSS. |
use-sts-to-access-OSS.yml | Use STS Temporary access credentials to access OSS. |
mobile-application-direct-transmission-service.yml | Enable the STS service and configure the application server. You can obtain a temporary Token through the output server address. |
cdn-speeds-up-oss-access.yml | Use CDN to add domain names and resolve domain names to accelerate access to OSS. |
use-function-compute-to-download-multiple-objects-as-a-package.yml | Use Function Compute to download multiple objects as a package to an on-premises device. |
centOS-ecs-oos.yml | Implement OSS reverse proxy on CentOS ECS instance. |
- vpc
Template | Description |
ipv4-vpc-create-ecs-and-bind-eip.yml | Create an IPv4 VPC, and bind ECS with EIP. |
- account
Template | Description |
enterprise-multi-account-identity-authority-centralized-management.yml | Enterprise multi-account identity authority centralized management. |
- ai
Template | Description |
use-function-compute-to-deploy-stable-diffusion-for-AI-painting.yml | Use Function Compute to deploy Stable Diffusion for AI Painting. Custom models is supported. |
lingjun-LLAMA-2-best-practice.yml | LingJun LLAMA-2 Best Practice. |
pai-ai-painting-solution.yml | PAI AI painting solution |
pai-lingjun-serverless-LLM-best-practice.yml | PAI LingJun Serverless LLM Best Practice. |
aigc-text-generation-3d-model-with-ecs.yml | AIGC text generation 3D model. |
use-pai-to-deploy-stable-diffusion-for-AI-painting.yml | How to quickly start Stable Diffusion on Alibaba Cloud and easily play with AI painting. |
use-gpu-ecs-to-deploy-chatGLM.yaml | Large model combines the AnalyticDB to build Chatbot. |
build-a-dialogue-model-based-on-ChatGLM-and-LangChain.yml | Build a dialogue model based on ChatGLM and LangChain. |
build-a-dialogue-model-based-on-Qwen-and-LangChain.yml | Build a dialogue model based on Qwen and LangChain. |
ack-ai-fine-tuning.yml | Use the cloud-native AI suite to submit model fine-tuning training tasks and deploy GPU shared inference services. |
exclusive-qa-service.yml | DashVector and Tongyi QianWen build exclusive Q&A service. |
discover-and-reach-high-value-users.yml | Discover and reach high value users. |
ComfyUI-by-fc.yml | Deploy ComfyUI through Function Computing to implement an AIGC image generation system. |
drawing_with_tongyi_wanxiang.yml | Tongyi Wanxiang’s journey of text drawing and portrait beautification. |
drawing_with_tongyi_wanxiang_new.yml | Tongyi Wanxiang’s journey of text drawing and portrait beautification. |
AnalyticDB-and-Bailian-system.yml | AnalyticDB and Bailian build intelligent question and answer system. |
pai-rec-deploy-recommendation-solution.yml | Deploying a recommendation solution using PAI-Rec. |
ecs-ai-face-detection-solution.yml | Deploying a face detection and comparison solution based on the Visual Intelligence Open Platform. |
- data-analysis
Template | Description |
flink-hologres-data-warehouse.yml | Build real-time warehouse based on Flink+Hologres. |
flink-maxcompute-data-warehouse.yml | Build real-time data warehouse and realize query acceleration. |
leaderboard-gamer-points-app-deploy.yml | Use the Centos7 system to create an ECS instance and install and deploy the Gamer Points Leaderboard application. |
user-operations-analytics.yml | User operation analysis practice based on AnalyticDB MySQL Lakehouse Edition. |
cloud-native-enterprise-data-lake.yml | Cloud-native enterprise data lake. |
OLAP-analysis-based-on-Hologres.yml | Lightweight and high-performance OLAP analysis based on Hologres. |
quickly-build-large-screen.yml | Quickly build a large screen of enterprise management. |
efficient-storage-and-processing-of-multimedia-data.yml | Efficient storage and processing of multimedia data. |
- database
Template | Description |
automatic-database-scaling-and-SQL-optimization.yml | Automatic database scaling and SQL optimization |
wordpress-website-database-on-the-cloud.yml | WordPress website database on the cloud. |
build-enterprise-web-with-mobi.yml | Build enterprise portals efficiently with low code. |
dts-cache-synchronization.yml | The consistency scheme of cache synchronization between MySQL and Redis is implemented by DTS . |
migrate-rds-mysql-to-polardb-mysql.yml | Online one-click upgrade of RDS MySQL to PolarDB MySQL version without modifying any code and configuration of the application. |
one-stop-htap-service.yml | Build a one-stop HTAP service based on RDS and ClickHouse. |
data-transmission-from-ECS-to-RDS.yml | Data transmission from ECS self-built database to RDS database. |
migrate-database-to-cloud.yml | Migrate self-built database to cloud database. |
rag-application.yml | Quickly build RAG applications using AnalyticDB and Streamlit. |
rds-database-agent.yml | Read and write separation is realized by RDS database agent. |
through-RocketMQ-transaction-messages.yml | Distributed transactions are implemented through RocketMQ transaction messages. |
SelectDB-Log-Storage-and-Real-Time-Analytics.yaml | Read and write separation is realized by RDS database agent. |
- iot
Template | Description |
iot-platform-device-data-on-the-cloud.yml | Iot platform device data on the cloud. |
- micro
Template | Description |
mse-end-to-end-canary-release-for-ack-application.yml | MSE end-to-end canary release for ACK application. |
build-microservices-on-ack.yml | Quickly use ACK to build microservices. |
elastic-scaling-container-through-hpa.yml | Implementing horizontal elastic scaling of container applications through HPA. |
- network
Template | Description |
cross-region-account-network-interwork-scheme.yml | Cross region and account network interwork scheme. |
public-network-architecture-design.yml | Public network architecture design and security management on the cloud. |
ga-nlb-global-accelerate.yml | Internet application is accelerating globally. |
enterprise-cloud-network-architecture-planning.yml | Enterprise cloud network architecture planning. |
two-region-three-center-high-availability.yml | Two regions and three centers high availability. |
unified-internet-egress-with-nat-gateway.yml | Uniformly manage public IP addresses of ECS instances in a VPC. |
- storage
Template | Description |
collect-logs-across-alibaba-cloud-accounts.yml | Collect logs across Alibaba cloud accounts. |
collect-cross-account-logs-by-auditing.yml | Collect logs of OSS across accounts with log audit service. |
cloud-native-observable-operation-and-maintenance.yml | Cloud-native observable operation and maintenance. |
snapshot-optimize.yml | Deploy high-performance MySQL services based on EBS ESSD. |
collect-application-log.yml | Application business log monitoring and alarming. |
deploy-personal-cloud-drive-based-on-nextcloud.yml | Deploy personal web disks based on Nextcloud. |
- cdn-and-video-cloud
Template | Description |
cdn-speeds-up-distribution-of-file-on-oss.yml | Use a CDN to speed up the distribution of file resources stored on OSS. |
dcdn-acceleration.yml | Accelerate resource request scenario practices. |
dcdn-speeds-up-data-storage-on-oss.yml | Use a CDN to speed up the Multimedia data storage and distribution on OSS. |
accelerate-static-website.yml | Accelerate cross-regional access to website static resources. |
- cloud-migration
模板 | 说明 |
operating-system-migration.yml | Manually build a WordPress website on a CentOS 7 ECS instance. | 解决方案 |
migrate-prometheus-to-cloud.yml | Migrate self-built Prometheus to cloud-managed Prometheus service. | |
operating-system-migration.yml | Manually build a WordPress website on a CentOS 7 ECS instance. | Solution |
migrate-kafka-to-cloud.yml | Migrate Kafka to Cloud. |
migrate-rabbitmq-to-cloud.yml | Migrate RabbitMq to Cloud. |
migrate-rocketmq-to-cloud.yml | Migrate RocketMQ to Cloud. |
- high-availability-architecture
Template | Description |
alb-cross-region-load-balance.yml | Cross-regional load balancing based on ALB. |
elastic-highly-available-service.yml | Build elastic and highly available services based on CLB and ESS. |
highly-available-web-services.yml | Highly available web services. |
basic-highly-available-architecture.yml | High-availability architecture on the cloud-Basic version. |
classic-architecture-on-the-cloud.yml | Classic architecture on the cloud. |
elastic-application-with-ess.yml | Improve application availability through ALB+ESS. |
serverless-high-availability-architecture.yml | Serverless high availability architecture. |
build-high-performance-flash-sale-system.yaml | Build a high-performance flash sale system. |
end-to-end-full-link-tracking-and-diagnosis.yaml | End-to-end full-link tracking and diagnosis. |
Real-Time-Cloud-Product-Monitoring-with-Prometheus.yaml | Complete real-time monitoring of cloud products with Prometheus. |
optimizing-complex-query-performance.yaml | Optimizing Complex Query Performance in E-commerce. |
- ops-on-cloud
Template | Description |
deploy-nginx-services-through-ingress.yml | Deploy Nginx and expose and monitor services through Ingress. |
global-view-and-search-of-cross-account-resources.yml | Global view and search of cross-account resources. |
- product-details-page
Template | Description |
classic-architecture-of-cloud-website.yml | Classic architecture of cloud website. |
e-commerce-business-and-database.yml | E-commerce business and database on the cloud. |
spark-cluster-on-yitian.yml | Spark Cluster on Yitian. |
- internet-application-development
Template | Description |
Nginx-access-log-data-archive.yml | Nginx access log data archive. |
video-website-solution.yml | Storage and Media Processing Solution for Video Website. |
log-security-audit-and-compliance-assessment.yaml | Log security audit and compliance assessment. |
distributed-task-scheduling.yaml | Distributed task scheduling through SchedulerX. |
efficiently-build-app-on-the-cloud.yaml | Efficiently build APP on the cloud. |
file-processing-on-fc.yaml | Using function computing to implement file processing on websites. |
process-data-with-lindorm.yaml | Lindorm one-stop processing of pan-time series data. |
rapidly-deployment-applets.yaml | Rapidly develop multi-platform applets. |
rapidly-enterprise-portal.yaml | Rapidly set up a enterprise portal. |
serverless-rabbitmq.yaml | Cloud Message Queue RabbitMQ version Serverless series advantages and practices. |
websites-from-HTTP-to-HTTPS.yaml | Making websites more secure from HTTP to HTTPS. |
ES-vector-retrieval-capabilities.yml | Using Elasticsearch's vector search capabilities for personalized recommendations. |
data-protection-against-ransomware-attacks.yml | Data protection:Data protection against ransomware attacks. |
upgrade-the-front-end-separation-architecture.yml | Complete front-end separation architecture upgrade in 10 minutes (ECS version). |
deploy-SSL-certificates-to-Nginx-applications.yml | Deploy SSL certificates to Nginx applications. |
deploy-SSL-certificates-to-SpringBoot-applications.yml | Deploy SSL certificates to Spring Boot applications. |
deploy-SSL-certificates-to-Tomcat-applications.yml | Deploy SSL certificates to Tomcat applications. |
cloud-site-construction.yml | Cloud site construction: effectively reduce network bandwidth costs. |
- security-and-compliance
Template | Description |
efficiently-build-a-new-account-with-security-and-compliance.yml | Efficiently build a new account with security and compliance. |
multiple-accounts-support-configuration-auditing.yml | Configure unified compliance audit for multiple accounts. |
cloud-firewall-in-multiple-accounts.yml | Create a VPC type ECS and bind EIP. |
enterprise-multi-account-identity-permissions.yml | Centralized management of enterprise multi-account identity permissions. |
only-approved-cloud-services.yml | Restrict enterprises to only approved cloud services. |
protect-web-applications-with-WAF.yml | Protect web applications with WAF. |
Template | Description |
alb-7-layer-load-balancing.yml | Implements 7-layer load balancing for IPv4 services. |
clb-4-layer-load-balancing.yml | 4-layer CLB load balancing. |
clb-7-layer-load-balancing.yml | 7-layer CLB load balancing. |
nlb-4-layer-load-balancing.yml | Implements 4-layer load balancing for IPv4 services. |
dcdn-acceleration-and-security-protection.yml | DCDN acceleration and security protection. |
ecs-blog.yml | Deploy a blog on the cloud. |
ecs-docker.yml | Deploy Docker on the Alibaba Cloud ECS based on the CentOS 7.9 operating system and make a Docker image. |
ecs-lamp.yml | Deploy a LAMP environment. |
ecs-lnmp.yml | Deploy a LNMP environment. |
ecs-mount-nas-file-system.yml | Mount NAS to ECS. |
ecs-high-availability-lamp.yml | Deploy a high availability LAMP environment. |
ecs-high-availability-lnmp.yml | Deploy a high availability LNMP environment. |
ecs-online-education-video-course-sharing-website.yml | Build an online education video course sharing website. |
ecs-website.yml | Quickly deploy a website. |
edas-deploy-Java-application-based-on-ecs-cluster.yml | Deploy Java application in EDAS. |
ga-accelerated-access-to-specified-ip.yml | Accelerated access to specified backend services by IP. |
oos-timing-management-of-ecs.yml | OOS timing management of ECS. |
nlpautoml-create-and-train-sentiment-analysis-model.yml | Create and train sentiment analysis model. |
polardb-mysql-htap-real-time-data-analysis.yml | PolarDB MySQL HTAP real-time data analysis. |
polardb-postgresql-compatible-with-PG.yml | PolarDB postgresql compatible with PG14. |
polardb-postgresql-compatible-with-oracle.yml | PolarDB postgresql compatible with Oracle. |
polardb-postgresql-enterprise-performance-practice.yml | PolarDB PostgreSQL enterprise performance practice. |
ram-create-user-and-authorize.yml | Create RAM user and authorize. |
rds-create-account-database-and-connection.yml | Create account, database, and connection to RDS. |
rds-quickly-use-rds-mysql-serverless-instance.yml | Quickly use RDS MySQL Serverless instance. |
rds-quickly-use-rds-sql-server-serverless-instance.yml | Quickly use RDS SQL Server Serverless instance. |
redis-game-player-leaderboard.yml | Redis game player leaderboard. |
sls-collect-logs-in-nginx-mode.yml | Quickly collect Nginx logs through Log Service SLS. |
tair-restores-data-through-data-flashback.yml | Restore data in Tair through data flashback. |
Template | Description |
ack-app-rds | Create container application and RDS. |
ack-nginx | Create ACK and deploy Nginx. |
ecs-adbpg | Create ECS and ADBPG instances. |
ecs-deploy | Deployment based on ECS instances. |
ecs-mongodb | Create ECS and MongoDB instances. |
ecs-mysql-deploy | Create ECS instance and create MySQL. |
ecs-polardb | Create ECS and PolarDB instances. |
ecs-postgresql | Create ECS and PostgreSQL instances. |
ecs-ramrole-oss | Create ECS instance, RAM Role, and OSS. |
ecs-rds | Create ECS and RDS instances. |
ecs-redis | Create ECS and Redis instances. |
ecs-slb | Create ECS and SLB instances. |
ecs-sqlserver | Create ECS and SQL Server instances. |
ehpc-demo | Create Elastic High Performance Computing cluster. |
existing-ecs-nginx | Deploy Nginx on existing ECS instances. |
fc | Deploy a NAS+OSS UI file management system (Kodbox) to Alibaba Cloud Function Compute. |
managed-reverse-vpc-connection | Best practices for managed reverse VPC connection. |
master-slave-ecs | Create ECS instances in a Master-Slave architecture. |
opensource | Best practices for deploying various open source software. |
pai/pai-dsw.yml | Create PAI. |
scaling-ecs | Create ECS architecture with an auto-scaling group. |
terraform-ecs-nginx | [Terraform] Create ECS instances and deploy Nginx. |