A version support custom range scanning and multi address scanning.
This is a modified version of VanitySearch by JeanLucPons.
Intall CUDA SDK and open VanitySearch.sln in Visual C++ 2017.
You may need to reset your Windows SDK version in project properties.
In Build->Configuration Manager, select the Release configuration.
Note: The current relase has been compiled with CUDA SDK 10.0, if you have a different release of the CUDA SDK, you may need to update CUDA SDK paths in VanitySearch.vcxproj using a text editor. The current nvcc option are set up to architecture starting at 3.0 capability, for older hardware, add the desired compute capabilities to the list in GPUEngine.cu properties, CUDA C/C++, Device, Code Generation.
Edit the makefile and set up the appropriate CUDA SDK and compiler paths for nvcc.
ccap=86 ... CXX = g++-9 CUDA = /usr/local/cuda-11.7 CXXCUDA = /usr/bin/g++-9
$ make all
Example for bitcoin puzzle 66
./vanitysearch -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0 -i in.txt -o out.txt --keyspace 20000000000000000:+FFFFFFFFFF
in.txt 1KZegRZVRkVPUcR6iCZWukdeeP6xuEwpo9 /privatekey:20000000000000001 1JWHHMMjU4YjVd4gU6jVw3zPMsGKMJUiQw /privatekey:20000000100000000 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so /targetaddress