The same known MusicStore application, published by Microsoft, but wrotten using tons of design and architectural patterns to force the delivery of a high quality code and provide a responsable development.
- ASP.NET MVC 5.2.3
- EntityFramework 6.1.2
- ADO.NET 4.0
- Dapper 1.38
- SQL Server Compact 4.0
- AutoMapper 3.3.1
- Ninject
- Service Locator 1.3
- DDD - Domain Drive Design
- SRP - Single Responsability Principle
- OCP - Open Close Principle
- LSP - Liskov Substitution Principle
- ISP - Interface Segregation Principle
- DIP - Dependency Invertion Principle
- Self Validation
- TDD - Teste Driven Design
- CrossCutting
- Dependency Injection
- Invertion of Control
"These are currently an early work in progress. It's been pushed here so contributors can create pull requests, etc. Please don't complain unless you are willing to help ;)" - by Vaughn Vernon