- requires php8.2
composer require amirhossein5/return-error
Given you have a function that might return an error or value:
enum DivisionErrors {
function divide(int $num, int $divideBy): int|ReturnError
if ($divideBy === 0) {
return new ReturnError(
message: "can't divide by zero",
type: DivisionErrors::DIVISION_BY_ZERO,
return $num / $divideBy;
$divisionResult = divide(20, 0);
if ($divisionResult instanceof ReturnError) {
if ($divisionResult->type === DivisionErrors::DIVISION_BY_ZERO) {
// ...
// ...
new ReturnError();
With message:
new ReturnError(message: "something went wrong");
Or with a type which can be a string or enum:
new ReturnError(..., type: 'its_type');
new ReturnError(..., type: Enum::ENUM);
To log the error message in with stacktrace in laravel logs call report()
(newReturnError())->report(); // local.ERROR: {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): at ...
(newReturnError("with message"))->report(); // local.ERROR: message: with message {"exception...
(newReturnError("with message", "its_type"))->report(); // local.ERROR: message: with message, type: its_type {"exception...
enum DivisionErrors: string { case DIVISION_BY_ZERO = 'division_by_zero'; }
(newReturnError(type: DivisionErrors::DIVISION_BY_ZERO))->report(); // local.ERROR: type: DIVISION_BY_ZERO {"exception...
(newReturnError(type: BackedDivideErrors::DIVISION_BY_ZERO))->report(); // local.ERROR: type: division_by_zero {"exception...
(newReturnError())->report(additional: 'string'); // local.ERROR: additional: "string" {"exception...
(newReturnError())->report(additional: ['given' => '...']); // local.ERROR: additional: {"given":"..."} {"exception...
To wrap an exception into a ReturnError class instance use:
$result = ReturnError::wrap(function() {
throw new Exception();
$result instanceof ReturnError; // true
$result = ReturnError::wrap(function(): int {
return 2;
$result === 2; // true
In some cases you might want to throw the ReturnError if a function returns it:
$num = ReturnError::unwrap(divide(20, 0)); // throws exception
$num = ReturnError::unwrap(divide(20, 1)); // num is 20