4 commits
to multilingual
since this release
New Edition, Version 1.0.0
Based on 2.3.0 from Original source https://github.com/rcmaehl/WhyNotWin11
In this version I've enhanced multi-lingual feature so users can select language from a list and apply custom language regarding their own system locale.
DEV: I've also changed UI a bit, made the whole window dragable and changed Font size.
DEV: Added _GUICtrlSetDataEx function to set Control item's data and color at-once, and also generates auto-color based on ctrl text
DEV: Added Restart Feature, could be called with _ScriptRestart
DEV: RTL/LTR Fully supported, just add RTL=true in MetaData section of your language
DEV: Exit button text changed from X to × which look cool :)
DEV: Added my logo to resources